周五9月27日 - 两位悍将登陆 Mumsfilibaba (曼谷) Biliguudei (曼谷) @ Dada 北京

文摘   2024-09-19 13:56   上海  

Toxic Presents:


[BeamCube - Tropic City] Bangkok 曼谷


[Majesty-Intro] Mongolia 蒙古


9月27日 Sept 27




Leo Furioso






11点前 Before 11pm: 60 rmb

11 点后After 11pm: 90 rmb



首先让我们欢迎 BiliguudeiMumsfilibaba

建立连接是 deejaying 的精髓


为了支持这个盛大的夜晚,我们还邀请了两位本土艺术家,他们作为 DJ、推广人和音乐总监不断挑战极限。

第一位嘉宾是来自天津Yuanbao俱乐部的DJ兼推广人RAY;另一位是来自意大利的LEO FURIOSO,他是Disco和House 的推广人,从BBB Club到Porco Disco,再到Qina Records,都有他的身影!


[BeamCube - Tropic City] Bangkok 曼谷

Mumsfilibaba, 是一个跨越欧亚的DJ团队, 由Sebastian De La Cruz和Max Adlercreutz二人组合创立,表演风格充分体现了音乐的激情与融合。

Mumsfilibaba is a DJ duo formed by Sebastian De La Cruz and Max Adlercreutz, spanning across Europe and Asia. Their performances embody a fusion of passion and rhythm.

无论是单人演出还是 B2B, Mumsfilibaba 的现场都洋溢着极具感染力的节日气氛。他们的音乐类型横跨 House、Electro、Breaks、UKG、Neo-Italo 以及 Cosmic Disco。 

The energy they bring to the stage radiates a contagious festival vibe. Their musical style ranges across House, Electro, Breaks, UKG, Neo-Italo, and Cosmic Disco.

Mumsfilibaba 曾多次与Lipelis, Soichi Terada, Paula Tape, Hidden Spheres, Lauer, Telephones, Eden Burns, Sam Don, Bella Boo, Honey Dijon, Dan Shake ,Abdul Raeva, 等等众多业界重量级人物台演出。

Over the years, Mumsfilibaba has shared the stage with industry heavyweights like Lipelis, Soichi Terada, Paula Tape, Hidden Spheres, Lauer, Telephones, Eden Burns, Sam Don, Bella Boo, Honey Dijon, Dan Shake, Abdul Raeva, and more.


[Majesty-Intro] Mongolia 蒙古

Biliguudei 作为一名 DJ,他的名字深深地烙印在蒙古电子和地下音乐之中。他的音乐风格就像草原上掠过的风一样围绕着听众,释放着一种神奇而强劲的力量,带有着对于舞蹈的强烈渴望。

2009 年,出于对电子音乐的热爱,他成立了 “Kontrol Crew”,开始了自己的 DJ 之旅。从那时起,他一直为蒙古和中国的电子音乐舞台做出贡献,成为这些地区与世界之间的桥梁。

Biliguudei, a DJ deeply rooted in Mongolia's electronic and underground music scene, creates soundscapes as powerful as the wind sweeping across the plains, evoking an intense desire to dance. As one of the founders of "Mongol Majesty" Records, Biliguudei has curated numerous landmark events, which have become milestones in the underground music scene. His visionary label has introduced over 100 internationally acclaimed DJs and artists to Mongolian audiences, including Ken Ishii, Electric Rescue, Weng Weng, YouandMe, Martin Eyerer, Stefan Goldmann, Bloody Mary, Leafar Legov and Konstantin, Jako Jako, Barker, Tom Trago, Talismann, and Edward.

作为 “蒙古陛下 ”唱片公司的创始人之一,Biliguudei策划了无数备受瞩目的活动,这些活动已成为蒙古地下音乐领域的里程碑。这个具有远见卓识的厂牌为故乡的音乐爱好者介绍了 100 多位国际知名 DJ 和艺术家。其中包括Ken Ishii, Electric Rescue, Weng Weng, YouandMe, Martin Eyerer, Stefan Goldmann, Bloody Mary, Leafar Legov and Konstantin, Jako Jako, Barker,Tom Trago,Talismann, Edward.

In 2009, driven by his passion for electronic music, Biliguudei launched "Kontrol Crew" and began his DJ journey. Since then, he has contributed to the electronic music stages of both Mongolia and China, becoming a bridge between these regions and the global scene. 

Biliguudei 的强劲舞台表现力使他得以与一些业界名人同台演出,如Ben Klock, Dave Clarke, DJ Volvox, Gui Boratto, Steve Bicknell (LSD), Ken Ishii, Marcell Dettman, Bloody Mary, Mind against, Pan Pot, YouANDme, Martin Eyerer, Stefan Goldmann, ElectricRescue, I Hate Models, Leafar Legov, Konstantin, Tom Trago, Talismann 和 San Proper.

His powerful stage presence has led him to perform alongside legends like Ben Klock, Dave Clarke, DJ Volvox, Gui Boratto, Steve Bicknell (LSD), Ken Ishii, Marcel Dettmann, Bloody Mary, Mind Against, Pan-Pot, YouANDme, Martin Eyerer, Stefan Goldmann, Electric Rescue, I Hate Models, Leafar Legov, Konstantin, Tom Trago, Talismann, and San Proper.


原YUANBAO俱乐部活动发起人。Dj / designer / editor / promoter 。深受90年代采样音乐影响2012年开始投入到地下电子乐派对活动中。

Leo Furioso

从视频游戏主机到DJ设备,Leo Furioso 在涉足北京和中国的夜生活和俱乐部场景时无需过多介绍。

作为DJ、平面设计师、动画师、摄影师,Leo Furioso 备受本地人和外国人的喜爱,因为他为首都带来了独特的House和Disco音乐风格。他的音乐可以被描述为在柏林发明的迪斯科音乐、巴黎的底特律Techno以及北京的Paradise Garage的反乌托邦结果。

在全球各地旋转唱片十年后,与一些最负盛名的国际艺术家(如Underground Residence、Nachtbraker、Max Graef、Fouk、Dirty Channels、Errorsmith、Superman Lovers、Riva Starr、The Kolors)和欧洲集体(如Take It Easy、Pittaya Soundsystem、Apparel Wax、Radio Raheem、Fresch.In Festival)合作,这股无穷的能量和舞曲风格于2019年来到了中国。不到一年的时间,他创立了备受赞誉的胡同俱乐部 BBB Bar,并担任艺术总监和驻场DJ。除了BBB Bar,Leo Furioso 还创办了音乐品牌 PORCO DISCO,经纪公司 BABY BOOM BOOKING, QINA RECORDS 七纳音乐。至今,他仍是首都最活跃的DJ之一。多年来,Leo Furioso 与欧洲和美洲俱乐部音乐圈中一些最优秀的成员和音乐厂牌进行了个人和专业的合作,他独享未发布音乐资源,让他始终站在潮流的前沿,塑造自己的音乐风格。



B1, Block A (North Gate)

Ritan International Trade Center

Nan Ying Fang Hutong, Chaoyang District

Dada Bar Beijing
北京DADA酒吧 独立文化 电子音乐 DJ派对