周五9月20日 - 1asia pres. 东亚炸裂快车DJ YESYES aka Park Daham @ Dada北京

文摘   2024-09-17 19:13   上海  

亚洲之爱,没有伤害。容不得思考的高速高能高度酒精之夜,在 DJ YESYES aka Park Daham 的 NONSTOP 东亚炸裂快车里面,把音箱高高狠狠举起来。

Love in Asia, No Harm Involved. A high-energy, high-speed, high-alcohol night that leaves no room for thought. In DJ YESYES aka Park Daham’s NONSTOP East Asia Explosive Express, raise those speakers high and loud.

9月20日 星期五

September 20 Friday


DJ YESYES (首尔 Seoul)






11点前 Before 11pm: 60 rmb

11点后 After 11pm: 90 rmb

作为首尔地下音乐场景真正不可或缺的幕后推手,Park Daham 很少休息,可能也确实不太需要睡觉。我们是没见过蹦完迪健身房咖啡馆办公室一条龙的韩国舍命都市传说,但我们确定 Daham 的每一天都在操办演出。十多年前情热支持落日飞车从籍籍无名到梅奔加场,最近则在激情主办工工工韩国巡演,Daham 勤勤恳恳扎扎实实带了十多年亚洲乐队,优质滚圈应该没有他不知道的故事。有时候他自己也做噪音实验演出,然后完事了半夜三点去 Club 做 DJ,放当晚最不顾一切的那个 SET,大多数时候,就用他的电脑。

As an indispensable figure in Seoul’s underground music scene, Park Daham rarely takes breaks—he might not even need to sleep. We’ve never met someone who can go from raving to the gym, then to a café, and straight to the office, but we’re sure Daham’s daily routine is all about organizing gigs. Over the past decade, he’s been passionately supporting bands across Asia, from helping Sunset Rollercoaster rise from obscurity to filling up Mercedes-Benz Arena, to recently promoting Gong Gong Gong's tour in Korea. Daham has spent the last ten years bringing top-tier bands to the forefront. There’s probably no untold story in the indie rock scene that he hasn’t heard. Sometimes, he even performs noise experimental sets himself, only to hit the club at 3 AM to DJ the wildest set of the night, often just using his laptop.

梨泰院的夜,也是 Daham 的。

The nights in Itaewon are also Daham’s domain.

在过往的十年里,我们对 DJ YESYES 有三个印象:1,K-POP 配没封套的唱片。2,和大财团领导谈生意,对方连干十杯啤酒兑真露,一言不发就走了。3,Daham 妈妈每天早上准备醒酒汤(酸味的海带汤)。生活的密度大家都挺高,但 Daham 似乎要把一切献给音乐。

 In the past decade, we’ve had three key impressions of DJ YESYES:

1. K-Pop mixed with sleeveless vinyl records.

2. Talking business with corporate execs, who down ten soju-beer shots in silence before leaving.

3. His mother, who makes him hangover soup (sour seaweed soup) every morning. Life’s intensity is high for everyone, but Daham seems to dedicate it all to music.

十五年前,作为制片人,Daham 在 Jung Yong Taek 导演的纪录片《Party 51》中现身,首尔本待推平的社区饭堂内发生的系列临时音乐演出持续了整整一年。Daham 在这个真实故事里高举双手、倒地沉默、鼓舞人心,他的勇敢和正直,其实不必用特殊的衣装或是辞藻来衬托。

Fifteen years ago, Daham appeared as a producer in director Jung Yong Taek’s documentary Party 51, which captured a year of impromptu music performances in a Seoul community canteen slated for demolition. In this real-life story, Daham raised his hands high, fell silent, and inspired others—his bravery and integrity didn’t need flashy outfits or elaborate words.

这时候一定有人好奇,那 DJ YESYES 放的音乐,到底好不好听?好不好蹦?我们必须再次向大家说明,DJ YESYES aka Park Daham 一直在亚洲各种音乐场所做 DJ,之前还在首尔开了家文化杂货铺叫 Cosmoswholesale,里面千奇百怪的唱片杂志小玩意不一而足,人气旺盛。他的厂牌 Helicopter Records 出版了许多亚洲音乐 Mixtape 以及韩国现行的 Punk 实验先锋作品。茅台二锅头牛栏山,反正你爱喝哪个都是一个醉,度数已经到位。

Now, you're probably wondering—how’s DJ YESYES’s music? Is it good for raving? Let us reiterate: DJ YESYES aka Park Daham has DJed across all kinds of music venues in Asia. He even opened a cultural general store in Seoul called Cosmoswholesale, filled with quirky records, magazines, and various trinkets that have become incredibly popular. His label, Helicopter Records, has released many Asian music mixtapes as well as cutting-edge Korean punk and experimental works. Maotai, Erguotou, Niulanshan—it doesn’t matter what you drink, they all get you equally drunk. The level of intensity is already set.

东亚炸裂快车,现正驶向中国。九月下旬,我们精选躁动站点,还增加了纪录片放映的日程,希望你在醉倒疯狂之余,也能收获高恒稀有能量。DJ YESYES 习以为常的一天一场,让我们一起 NONSTOP。

The East Asia Explosive Express is now heading to China. In late September, we’ve carefully selected some thrilling stops, and even added documentary screenings to the schedule. We hope that amidst the craziness and intoxication, you’ll also gain some rare, high-vibrational energy. DJ YESYES, as usual, is performing one show a day. Let’s go NONSTOP together!

DJ YESYES(又名 PARK DAHAM)通常会这样介绍他自己:“我根据情况播放音乐”,他一直和大家分享了他从过去到现在最喜欢的音乐:从怀旧韩国流行音乐到现在的地下舞曲。DJ YESYES 专注于创造一个分享的空间。他主要使用唱片和电脑播放音乐,他喜欢看到人们跨越各种隔阂的反应。一直在主办 ASIAN MUSIC PARTY 和 QUICK-DIE 等派对的 DJ YESYES 在活跃在日本、中国和台湾等许多国家和地区。

DJ YESYES (AKA PARK DAHAM), who introduces himself with the explanation, "I play music according to the situation," shares his favorite music from the past to the present - from Korean pop of the past to current underground dance music - with people. We have focused on creating a space for sharing. He mainly uses records and computers to play music, and he likes seeing people's reactions across the gap. DJ YESYES, who has created parties such as ASIAN MUSIC PARTY and QUICK-DIE, has met audiences in many countries and regions including Japan, China, and Taiwan.

DJ YESYES 巡演日程 Tour Poster

纪录片《PARTY 51》放映日程:

Documentary <Party 51> screening schdule: 

- 1asia 发行 -

1asia 是一个唱片厂牌





B1, Block A (North Gate)

Ritan International Trade Center

Nan Ying Fang Hutong, Chaoyang District

Dada Bar Beijing
北京DADA酒吧 独立文化 电子音乐 DJ派对