周三9月11日 - Be Stupid @ Dada Beijing

文摘   2024-09-10 20:07   上海  



9月11日 @ Dada Beijing

   Be Stupid    

Be Stupid 是一个扎根于北京的派对团体,成员在组成团队前早已相识多年,出于对电子音乐的热爱,他们逐渐完成了从参与者到主导者的转变,并结成团队开启属于他们自己的派对现场。

由于多年的玩闹经验,他们始终认为派对就应该是一种完全的释放。不论是台上的主导者还是台下的参与者,只有在释放中产生共鸣,催发出应有的化学效应,才是一场派对好玩与否的关键。这也是团队取名 Be Stupid 的原因。

作为一支拥有纯正北京血统的派对团体,每位DJ在有着鲜明个人风格定位的同时,又完美的融合为一体。他们的派对以各种类型的 House 音乐作为基底,逐渐吸引着国内外的派对玩家,以及圈内的音乐人和电子音乐爱好者们。

Deep / Acid / Minimal / Funky / Tech ……所有这些标签都是他们为派对参与者精心准备的音乐盛宴,准备好一起加入他们的音乐旅程了吗?

A longstanding Beijing crew of old friends, they have grown from avid party-goers to stalwarts of the DJ scene, teaming up to form the mighty Be Stupid! 

Experts in fun, they believe a party should be a liberating place of freedom and release. Enter the crowd, feel the music and just be stupid.

As veterans of the Beijing music and party scene, each member brings their own experience and individual style to the team. Their eclectic variety of house music moves dancefloors full of music lovers from China and around the world.


Shen Yue





Free Entry 免票

Shen Yue

1998年组建的A Boys是沈岳⾳乐⽣涯的开始,⽆聊军队的录制发⾏,使他成为当时朋克⾳乐浪潮中的要⼀员。乐队⽣涯不仅带给他丰富的舞台经验,也让他接触并融⼊到当时的俱乐部派对⽂化之中。对于电⼦⾳乐的逐渐喜爱,让他开始不安于直⽩的⾳乐表达,也为他后来转型DJ奠定了坚实的⾳乐基础。



The forming of rock band ‘A Boys’ in 1998 marked the beginning of Shen Yue’s musical career, the recording and  distribution of rock album Wuliao Contingent made him a key  fifigure in the punk scene at the time. Being a rock musician  gave him dynamic experience on stage, and had also exposed  him to the clubbing culture. 

Since 2006 when he fifirst began as a DJ, Shen Yue has been active in the major clubs and music festivals across China, his experience as a rock musician had broadened his musical vision, and it had become clear to him that a DJ needs to be a dedicated promotor of unique aesthetics in music, this had  set way for his transformation from just being a DJ to his  multi-layered presence in China’s electronic music scene  today. 

As an advocator of 4/4 beat electronic dance music, Shen Yue believes that the energy in the dance flfloor does not stop at the  sensory stimulation brought on by thumping percussion and catchy melodies, far from it. 


Dada Bar Beijing
北京DADA酒吧 独立文化 电子音乐 DJ派对