周六9月7日 - 上海火热的UK厂牌BOUNCY BOUNCY来和我们一起跳tamade @ Dada Beijing

文摘   2024-09-05 16:27   上海  


September 7, Saturday





Paradice Sinema



11点前/Before 11pm: 30 rmb

11点后/After 11pm: 60 rmb

Fountain携手上海厂牌 BOUNCY BOUNCY呈现一场令大家耳目一新的UK音乐之夜。作为北京派对厂牌的一股暗流,Fountain今年已经为大家请到了国内外多名DJ来京演出。

九月金秋我们联手上海近几年火热的UK厂牌BOUNCY BOUNCY的帮主echocatcher和我们一起跳tamade。刚刚度过三岁生日的BOUNCY BOUNCY将是继去年wigwam之后的首次返京亮相

Fountain collaborates with the Shanghai party label BOUNCY BOUNCY to present a second to none UK music night. As an undercurrent in Beijing's party scene, Fountain has invited a few domestic and international talents play this year. This September, we are joining forces with echocatcher, the head honcho of the hot Shanghai-based label BOUNCY BOUNCY, to dance together. Having just celebrated its third anniversary, BOUNCY BOUNCY will be making its first return to Beijing since last year's debut at wigwam. Nontheless to say, let’s 跳 tamade.



在伦敦飞速吸收多元且有爱的音乐社区文化后,echocatcher 坚定相信并享受自由和 包容的快乐真谛。来自上海,作为专注于英式舞曲的本地厂牌 BOUNCY BOUNCY 的 主理人,和黑胶小酒馆 ANDet 的创始人之一,她积极推动音乐文化并不断探索与挖掘 新鲜而有活力的多元跳舞音乐。她对 UK Garage、各类 UK House&Techno、 Breakbeat 和 Bass Music 等音乐的理解并不限制于一种定义。在她的舞池,你会因为 音乐里的弹跳感和律动感而不由自主地跳 tamade!创办 BOUNCY BOUNCY 厂牌活 动后,她坚持亲自设计视觉,追求着视觉和音乐上的通感。一切扶摇直上的,肆意真 诚的,顽皮搞怪的,轻松欢愉的,情绪饱满的能量都能在 BOUNCY BOUNCY 的月度 之夜体验到。以世界为舞台,接连邀请了 Dubrunner (UK), Liquid Earth (US), Tom VR(UK), Interstellar Funk (NL), Moopie (AUS) 等音乐人的参与。同时,echocatcher 在 BAIHUI 电台也主持着月度节目。

echocatcher is a multi-disciplinary creative based in Shanghai, China - a DJ and organiser, a graphic designer and creative diretor, the founder of BOUNCY BOUNCY, co-founder and music director of ANDet vinyl bistro Shanghai. Be lit by a passion for music and inspired by the simple, direct, loving community and culture in the UK, echocatcher is focusing on UK inspired electronic dance music scene and expecting her to show you the variety and deepness from UK Garage, Bass Music, Breakbeat to Techno and more, she prefer to play with multi genres. Her knowledge and respect for underground cultures and music hope to shine through as a direct influence to the community. She believes SHARING IS CARING, playful is the key.

Paradice Sinema

Paradice Sinema 作为Fountain 和漫沌•SlowStew 系列派对的掌舵人,同时也是旧金山社区电台Fault Radio的主理人之一。多年来,他对舞池的敏锐嗅觉也使他成为任何派对中不可或缺的氛围带头人。

在迷幻的鼓点和迪斯科曲调的推动下,Paradice Sinema的Set带领大家踏上了一场迷人旅程。白天,他的Balearic音乐为灵魂带来慰藉,而夜晚,他的神秘节拍鼓舞着狂欢者们悄然声息地误入迷途。

Paradice Sinema captains the ship at Fountain and 漫沌•SlowStew party nights, while also holding a pivotal position at Fault Radio, a renowned community radio station in San Francisco. With a musical journey shaped by an unapologetic music collection, extensive dance floor experience, and a well-traveled background, he infuses his sets with unparalleled depth and diversity. His finely honed instincts make him the go-to vibe conductor for any event he steps into.

Fueled by psychedelic drum basslines and retro synthetic disco grooves, his sets transport audiences on a captivating journey through hypnotic leftfield flavors. By day, his balearic sounds offer solace to the soul, while by night, his enigmatic beats inspire revelers to embrace life's wilder moments.


孙萌,来自信息多元化的北京。在她的音乐道路上一直寻找着独特的音乐风格,在短短的几年里她很快就成为了俱乐部里最收欢迎的女DJ之一。她从小的音乐兴趣是黑人音乐Disco、funk、hiphop,这些音乐的根基都对她现在播放的dj set里增加了很多惊喜和生动。一直坚持着对音乐的探索,在选择音乐上也专注于精挑细选。现在也是各大音乐节和俱乐部邀请的对象,越来越多的现场经验和技术,也让她在直觉上知道如何吸引观众,无论是在热场和主要时段的活动中。当你到一个聚会上看见SunMeng在DJ台,你知道你做了正确的选择。她进入了城市最酷的地方。她以古老的曲调的灵魂所激发出的独特的声音而炙手可热,她那古怪而充满活力的乐曲不会让任何人无动于衷。音乐风格多变,从冰冷科技感十足的Techno到热情洋溢的House音乐都充满了能量。2019年有幸被邀请参加了Boiler Room BEIJING 和 阿姆斯特丹电台活动Red Light Radio的现场演出。曾经同台过的艺人有:Scuba, MONOLOC, ORPHX, KEN ISHii, ARNAUD LE TEXIER, THE DRIFTER, Pfirter……

Sun Meng, from Beijing with diversified information. She has been looking for a unique music style along her music path, and in a few years she has quickly become one of the most popular female DJs in the club. Her interest in music from childhood was black music Disco, funk and hiphop, which added a lot of surprise and vividness to her current DJ set. Has been insisting on the exploration of music, in the choice of music is also focused on careful selection. Now she is also invited by major music festivals and clubs. More and more on-site experience and technology also enable her to intuitively know how to attract audiences, whether in hot spots or in major time activities. When you go to a party and see SunMeng on DJ booth, you will know you made the right choice. She went to the coolest part of the city. Her unique voice inspired by the soul of an old tune is so popular that her strange and energetic music will not leave anyone indifferent. Music style is changeable, from cold and technological Techno to enthusiastic Household music are full of energy. Honored to play at Boiler Room Beijing and Red light Radio Live ( Amsterdam ) in 2019.Played with artists such as:Scuba, MONOLOC, ORPHX, KEN ISHii, ARNAUD LE TEXIER, THE DRIFTER, Pfirter……



B1, Block A (North Gate)

Ritan International Trade Center

Nan Ying Fang Hutong, Chaoyang District

Dada Bar Beijing
北京DADA酒吧 独立文化 电子音乐 DJ派对