
乐活   壁纸头像   2024-09-13 00:00   云南  




一位古代炼金术师成功地把石头变成了金子,但他发现金子太重,搬不动,只好把金子再变回了石头。An ancient alchemist successfully turned a stone into gold, only to realize it was too heavy to move. In the end, he had to turn it back into stone.

一个占卜师试图通过水晶球预测未来,但她的水晶球出了故障,每次显示的都是“加载中……请稍后再试。”A fortune-teller tried predicting the future through her crystal ball, but it malfunctioned, constantly showing “Loading… Please try again later.”

一名时间旅行者打算回到过去阻止自己的尴尬时刻,但不小心回到了中世纪,还在国王的宴会上打了个超响的喷嚏,成为了历史上第一个被记载的“喷嚏大王”。A time traveler planned to go back and prevent an embarrassing moment but accidentally landed in the Middle Ages, sneezing loudly at the king's banquet, becoming the first ever "Sneeze King" recorded in history.

一个科学家发明了一台可以读心的机器,结果每次开机时只能听到“今天晚餐吃什么?”重复上百次,最后机器都快被这个问题烧坏了。A scientist invented a mind-reading machine, but every time it was turned on, all it could pick up was “What’s for dinner?” repeated hundreds of times, almost frying the circuits.

一位魔术师在表演变出兔子的魔术时,不小心把自己变成了一只兔子,观众以为这是表演的一部分,结果全场爆发热烈掌声,而魔术师还在惊慌失措地寻找回去的方法。A magician performing a rabbit trick accidentally turned himself into a rabbit instead. The audience thought it was part of the act and erupted into applause, while the magician frantically searched for a way to reverse it.

一艘宇宙飞船误入了一个外星人的停车场,飞行员试图解释自己的车位被导航搞错了,结果外星人说:“没事,我们的车也经常飞走。”A spaceship accidentally landed in an alien parking lot, and the pilot tried to explain that the GPS had led them astray. The alien replied, “No worries, our vehicles fly off all the time too.”

一位巫师试图用咒语修理破碎的花瓶,但每次施法,花瓶就会换成一个全新的设计,最后他拥有了一个世界上最时髦的花瓶系列。A wizard tried to fix a broken vase with a spell, but each time he cast it, the vase changed into a new design. In the end, he owned the trendiest vase collection in the world.

一位科学家成功创造了一个会自我修复的机器人,但没想到每次机器人修好自己后,它都会要求加班费。A scientist successfully created a self-repairing robot, only to find that every time it fixed itself, it would demand overtime pay.


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