The Princess of Wales appeared visibly emotional on Tuesday night as she concluded her much anticipated 'Together At Christmas' carol concert.
Kate, 42, had bravely persevered to host her fourth annual service after her toughest year yet, in which she underwent preventative chemotherapy for cancer.
As she continued to sing alongside her children, Kate looked emotional during the closing minutes of the service - which has marked her greatest return to public duties to date following her difficult year and made for a sparkling achievement. 在与孩子们一同歌唱时,凯特在晚会接近尾声时显得有些激动——这不仅是她今年最重要的一次公开亮相,也是她重新投入公众职务后取得的富有意义的成就。The broadcast of Kate's service featured a special festive message from the royal, 42, in which she spoke about the importance of love and empathy.Her heartfelt message was also given in a letter to every guest at the concert on December 6, and 15 regional community services. 42岁的凯特王妃在仪式上发表了一篇特别的节日致辞,她谈到了爱和同理心的重要性。12月6日,凯特还亲笔致信,向音乐会的所有嘉宾以及15个区域社区服务机构传递了她真挚的祝福。Kate said: 'Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year, it is a time for presents, tinsel and mince pies, but it's also a time to slow down and reflect on the deeper things that connect us all. 在信中,她写道:“圣诞节是我一年中最喜欢的时刻。它是礼物、彩带和迷你馅饼的季节,但更重要的是,它让我们有机会放慢脚步,反思那些真正将我们联系在一起的深刻意义。”'It is when we stop and take ourselves away from the pressures of daily life, that we find the space to live our lives with an open heart, with love, kindness and forgiveness, so much of what the Christmas spirit is all about. “只有当我们停下脚步,远离日常生活的压力,才能真正敞开心扉,以爱、善良和宽恕去生活,而这些都是圣诞精神的真谛。”'The Christmas story encourages us to consider the experiences and feelings of others. It also reflects our own vulnerabilities and reminds us of the importance of giving and receiving empathy, as well as just how much we need each other in spite of our differences. Above all else, it encourages us to turn to love, not fear.'“圣诞节的故事鼓励我们去体谅他人的经历和感受。它也反映了我们自身的脆弱,提醒我们给予和接受同理心的重要性,以及尽管我们有差异,但彼此之间依然需要互相支持。最重要的是,它鼓励我们选择爱,而不是恐惧。”Kate continued: 'The love that we show ourselves and the love we show others. Love that listens with empathy, love that is kind and understanding, love that is forgiving, and love that brings joy and hope. 凯特接着说道:“我们给予自己和他人的爱,这种爱是充满共情的倾听,是温暖和理解,是宽容和原谅,是带来喜悦与希望的力量。爱,是我们能够收到的最珍贵的礼物,这不仅仅是在圣诞节,而是我们每一天生活中最重要的礼物。”