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I stopped pursuing my climb up the corporate ladder. I was really happy, and I was really proud of what I had achieved up to this point, but I no longer wanted to grow this area of my life. From here, I would look for companies and leaders that had a true passion for people, ones that had a true essence of doing business from the space of making a difference.
By doing my job and only my job, it has allowed me to pursue my passions, a mission where I get to help other passionate business owners grow their business and help them with their finances. I get to do all of this in my house, in my leggings, and no pointless meetings. I get to show up each day and to support other passionate people that align with my values and how I feel about wealth and success.
It isn’t about being lazy or ungrateful. It’s been about assessing what I felt was most important to me. It’s been about creating partnerships. My new definition of wealth is measured from an internal feeling: How good do I feel while making money? And an external feeling: How joyful and comfortable do I feel while the money is flowing in? I get to make money living a life that feels really good to me.
Now it’s your turn to define wealth and success. Is it really a number in your bank account? Or is it something that comes from within?
corporate ladder 企业阶梯:在职业生涯中逐渐晋升的一系列高级职位,被认为是通向更大责任和财务成功的阶梯