Rete cystadenoma, adenoma, and adenocarcinoma
Rete cystadenoma, adenoma, and adenocarcinoma are benign and malignant tumours derived from the rete ovarii that mirror their testicular counterparts.
ICD-O coding
9110/0 Adenoma of rete ovarii
9110/3 Adenocarcinoma of rete ovarii
Rete cysts are characterized by irregularly spaced crevices along their inner lining, which displays flat to cuboidal cells with scant eosinophilic to clear (uncommon) cytoplasm and minimal nuclear stratification.Cytological atypia and mitoses are rare or absent.
Hilus cells may form a bandperipheral to the cyst wall. Rete ovarii can also be seen in the vicinity .Rete adenomas are centred in the ovarian hilus;they are well circumscribed and composed of closely packed small elongated to round and dilate tubules, some with focal, variably complex intraluminal papillas. The lining cells are cuboidal to slightly columnar, with scant eosinophilic to pale cytoplasm, typically lacking cytological atypia and mitotic activity.
They may contain Leydig/luteinized cells within the scant intervening stroma .The reported rete carcinoma was characterized by branching tubules, cysts, papillae, and solid growth with cytological atypia and mitotic activity.
Essential and desirable diagnostic criteria
Essential:rete cystadenoma: hilar location, crevices in inner lining and no cilia, with or without Leydig cells within wall;
rete adenoma:hilar location,circumscription, small compact tubules,and no cytological atypia;
rete carcinoma:hilar location, cytological atypia, and mitoses- this is a diagnosis of exclusion.
Rete cyst.
The inner wall shows spaced crevices lined by innocuous cuboidal cells lacking cilia. Note the presence of a band of Leydig cells within the cyst wall.
Wolffian tumour of the ovary
Wolffian tumour is a rare but distinctive epithelial tumour of Wolffian (mesonephric) origin.
ICD-O coding
9110/1 Wolffian tumour
9110/1 Wolffian肿瘤
Microscopic examination typically reveals a well-circumscribed lesion composed of varying proportions of four distinct patterns:
(1)a diffuse or solid pattern characterized by a spindle cell population;
(2) a tubular pattern showing tubular structures of various sizes and shapes, some of which are lined by columnar cells with basally located nuclei, and compressed tubules with a slit like lumen lined by small cuboidal cells;
(3) a retiform (sieve-like) pattern characterized by a network of elongated and branching tubules occasionally in a sieve-like arrangement;
and (4) a multicystic pattern with variable cystic spaces lined by a single flattened layer of cuboidal cells.
The nuclei are bland, without nucleoli, and the mitotic count is low (<1 mitosis/mm², equating to < 3 mitoses/10 HPF of 0.55 mm in diameter and 0.24 mm² in area).
细胞温和,无核仁,核分裂计数低(<1个核分裂/mm²,相当于< 3个核分裂/10 HPF,直径0.55 mm,面积0.24 mm²)。
Occasionally, as many as 3-4 mitoses/mm², equating to 7-9 mitoses/10 HPF of 0.55 mm in diameter and 0.24 mm² in area, can be found.
有时,可发现多达3-4个有丝分裂/mm²,相当于7-9个核分裂/10 HPF,直径0.55 mm,面积0.24 mm²。
A colloid-like, PAS-positive secretion may be seen within the lumina of tubules and cystic spaces. The stroma varies from a delicate network of reticulin fibres, separating the solid tubules and unmasking a tubular pattern in what appears to be a solid proliferation, to large areas of hyalinized collagen, sometimes with calcifications.
Pankeratin (AE1/AE3) and vimentin are diffusely positive,whereas CK7 usually shows focal staining. EMA, ER, and PR are negative or only focally positive, whereas AR is more diffusely expressed.
pankeratin (AE1/AE3)和vimentin弥漫阳性,而CK7通常表现为局灶性染色。EMA、ER和PR呈阴性或仅局部阳性,而AR呈弥漫性阳性表达。
Calretinin, a-inhibin, FOXL2, and WT1 are usually positive, albeit focally. CD10 shows a luminal pattern of staining . GATA3 has been shown to be expressed in mesonephric remnants of the cervix and the fallopian tube and in cervical mesonephric carcinomas, whereas in adnexal Wolffian tumours it is usually negative or shows weak multifocal staining (in 17% of cases) . PAX8 and SF1 are usually not expressed.
Calretinin, a-inhibin, FOXL2和WT1通常呈阳性,尽管是局部阳性。CD10呈腔缘阳性。GATA3已被证明在子宫颈和输卵管的中肾管残余以及子宫颈中肾癌中表达,而在附件Wolffian肿瘤中,它通常为阴性或显示多灶弱阳(17%的病例)。PAX8和SF1通常不表达。
Adnexal Wolffian tumour should be distinguished from ovarian mesonephric-like adenocarcinoma. Features that may be helpful in the diagnosis of mesonephric-like carcinoma include atypia, a high mitotic count, GATA3 and TTF1 positivity, and molecular studies showing KRAS/NRAS mutation.
Endometrioid carcinoma should also be distinguished from Wolffian tumour.EMA, ER, PR, and PAX8 positivity, as well as the presence of squamous, mucinous, or ciliated metaplasia, points towards as diagnosis of Müllerian-derived carcinoma.Sex cord tumours such as Sertoli-Leydig cell tumour and Sertoli cell tumour must be distinguished from Wolffian tumour because they express α-inhibin, calretinin, FOXL2, and WT1.
However, the absence of SF1 positivity and the absence of a Leydig cell component, as well as the lack of somatic DICER1 mutation, are characteristio of Wolffian tumours.
子宫内膜样癌也应与Wolffian肿瘤鉴别。EMA, ER, PR和PAX8阳性以及鳞化、黏液性或纤毛化生的存在,都支持Müllerian衍生的癌。性索肿瘤如Sertoli- leydig细胞瘤和Sertoli细胞瘤必须与中肾管肿瘤区分开来,因为它们表达α-inhibin、calretinin、FOXL2和WT1。
Essential and desirable diagnostic criteria
Essential:a well-circumscribed lesion with varying proportions of four distinct patterns (spindle cells in diffuse/solid, tubular retiform, multicystic); bland cell nuclei without nucleoli and usually a low mitotic count; colloid-like, PAS-positive secretions within lumina of tubules and cystic spaces; stroma varying from a delicate network of reticulin fibres to large areas of hyalinized collagen.
Desirable: immune marker expression as described above.
Fig. Wolffian tumour of the ovary.
A Note the mixture of solid, retiform, and sieve-like patterns.
A 注意实性、网状和筛状结构成分的混合。
B Note the retiform pattern showing elongated and branching tubules with morphological similarity to the rete ovarii.
C Note the well-differentiated tubules lined by columnar cells without nuclear atypia at higher magnification.
E Note the well-circumscribed nodule within theovarian hilum.
F Note the solid pattern composed of spindle cells without nuclear atypia.
F 可见梭形细胞组成的实性结构,无核异型性。