Geoderma | 农业长期田间试验中的土壤有机碳固存,来源于颗粒和矿物相关的有机质

文摘   2023-05-03 23:30   甘肃  


Christopher Just



Soil Science, TUM School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Technical University of Munich, Freising, Germany


    • MAOM-C content was modeled for arable fields with different management.

    • Organic fertilization, crop rotation, and soil texture define MAOM-C content.

    • A POM-C/MAOM-C ratio indicator was developed and tested.

    • This indicator contains information on MAOM-C saturation deficits.

    • POM-C/MAOM-C ratio indicators might support climate mitigation strategies.


    Soil organic matter (SOM) is indispensable for soil health and, in the context of climate change, is considered a significant CO2 sink. Improving agricultural management to increase long-term soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks for mitigating climate change requires tools that estimate short and long-cycling SOM pools. In this study, we analyzed changes in fast-cycling particulate organic matter (POM) and slow-cycling mineral-associated organic matter (MAOM) induced by common management practices, i.e., fertilization and crop rotation in topsoils from 25 Central European long-term field experiments. When relating MAOM-C contents to recent MAOM-C saturation levels, estimated sequestration potentials were only met in coarse-textured soils under appropriate agricultural management or fine-textured soils under extreme organic fertilization. Soil texture, organic fertilization, and below-ground OC inputs through root exudates and root biomass were decisive for estimating MAOM-C, allowing for calibration of a mixed-effects model (Nakagawa’s: marginal R2m = 0.6, conditional R2c = 0.89). While the models containing soil texture and organic fertilization parameters can be validated and generalized (R2 = 0.43), the below-ground OC input predictor substantially decreases the generalizability of the validated models (R2 = 0.14). According to quantile regression models, we estimate the average difference in MAOM-C concentration between well-managed and control site (without organic fertilization) topsoils to 4.1 mg g−1 soil. In dependence on the soil bulk density, this amounts to 1.38 – 1.84 t ha−1 MAOM-C stocks or 5.06 – 10.1 t ha−1 CO2-equivalents. POM-C was difficult to predict (R2 = 0.28), presumably due to strong POM dynamics. The POM-C / MAOM-C ratio can inform on the effects of agricultural practices in before/after management change comparisons. Under increasing SOC concentration, an increasing POM-C / MAOM-C ratio indicates that the effects of organic fertilization do not transfer to real effects on long-term SOC sequestration. Because MAOM-C depends on soil texture, this ratio is also a covariate of soil texture, limiting it for comparisons between sites with different textures. However, our data indicate that agricultural long-term field experiment soils constantly approximate MAOM-C saturation when the POM-C/MAOM-C ratio is >0.35. This ratio might be used as a management goal to prevent organic over-fertilization and N loss, especially on coarse-textured soils. Thereby, the POM-C / MAOM-C ratio can help to optimize SOC management and sequestration on agricultural soils and support climate change mitigation strategies in Central Europe.

    Fig. 2Mean OC, MAOM-C POM-C and the POM-C/MAOM-C ratio depicted for each experiment and treatment (no grassland, no Chernozems).

    Fig. 3Mean OC, MAOM-C, POM-C, and the POM-C/MAOM-C ratio depicted for each grassland and Chernozem.

    Fig. 4Boxplots depicting the distribution of OC, MAOM-C, POM-C, and the POM-C/MAOM-C ratio for control sites, organically fertilized sites, minerally fertilized sites, mixed fertilized sites, sites with multiple changes within the agronomic system, and grasslands in relation to soil texture. Each dot represents one treatment & site.

    Fig. 5Predicted vs. measured MAOM-C content of the calibration dataset for linear models with and without mixed effects using either two or three predictors as listed in Table 3.

    Fig. 6MAOM-C content in relation to the proportion of the fraction < 20 µm (%) of the respective soil. The left diagram contains all data, right diagram excludes grasslands and Chernozems. Dashed lines represent an estimated MAOM-C saturation area (Hassink and Whitmore, 1997Six et al., 2002). Dot colors reflect the classification into the treatment categories control, control of grassland, grassland, organically fertilized, mineral or mixed fertilized experiments, and experiments with multiple systemic changes. Colored lines depict simple linear correlation of MAOM-C and the fraction < 20 µm (%) for the control soil (red), the managed soils (non-control) (green), and all soils using a 95th quantile regression model. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

    Fig. 7Measured POM-C vs. measured MAOM-C contribution for each experimental site in relation to POM-C/MAOM-C ratios of 0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 (dashed lines). Each dot colour depicts a different experiment. Most experiments tend to have stable POM-C/MAOM-C ratios, others show distinct increase in the POM-C/MAOM-C ratio (e.g. red dots) indicating either MAOM-C saturation or hampered decomposition dynamics in the transfer of POM-C to MAOM-C. The dot size relate to amounts of organic fertilization (t C ha−1 a-1) where bigger dots indicate higher organic fertilization rates. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

    Fig. 8MAOM-C sequestration potential (calculated with Six et al., 2002) vs. POM-C/MAOM-C ratio showing mostly logarithmic dependency. Exceptions (top left corner) meet the MAOM-C saturation potential with a low POM-C/MAOM-C ratio. The dashed line depicts a threshold at POM-C / MAOM-C ratio = 0.35 where data points above that ratio approximate the MAOM-C saturation line.


    Based on a simple SOM fractionation method, we examined 25 long-term field experiments in Central Europe regarding POM-C and MAOM-C contents. We built cross-validated predictive MAOM-C models with decent goodness-of-fit using the soil texture (proportion of fraction < 20 µm), the total organic fertilization (t OC ha−1 a-1), and the below-ground OC input (t ha−1 a-1) derived by yields and carbon allocation coefficients. The model allows large-scale estimation of MAOM-C levels in commonly cropped farmlands. Thereby, we expect the difference in the intercept of linear regression of the control plots and the 95th quantile regression to be a rough approximation for management-induced MAOM-C differences. We estimate to have higher mean MAOM-C content of 4.1 mg g−1 due to the long-term adaption of improvements in organic fertilization and crop rotation management compared to not organically fertilized sites with the least diverse crop rotations. In a broader context, this corresponds to higher topsoil MAOM-C stocks of 1.38 – 1.84 t ha−1 in well-managed soils, which contributes to current climate change mitigation strategies. Therefore, it is important to identify poorly managed and, according to soil texture, inappropriately managed sites and to take action to reduce MAOM-C sequestration deficits of arable soils. In this context, we tested an indicator based on the POM-C/MAOM-C ratio. This indicator can be a valuable tool to investigate changes within the fractions respective to changes in the overall OC content of soils before and after management changes. Moreover, it might provide information on the MAOM-C saturation potentials of agricultural soils, where POM-C/MAOM-C ratios > 0.35 indicate approximation to MAOM-C saturated states. The POM-C / MAOM-C ratio indicator could be used as a guideline for agricultural management if its informative value can be verified in further studies and arable soils.
