
学术   2024-09-03 18:21   山东  

First Trimester Medical Abortion


My name is Dr. Anthony Levatino. I'm a practicing obstetrician gynecologist and I performed over 1,200 abortions. Today, I'm going to describe a first trimester medical abortion. 

我是Anthony Levatino医生,一名妇产科执业医生,做过1,200多台堕胎手术。今天,我将描述一下孕早期药物流产。

This is a procedure in which the mother swallows pills in order to terminate her baby. And it is performed up to the tenth week of pregnancy. The procedure involves two steps. 


Step one, at the abortion clinic or doctor's office, the woman takes pills which contain mifepristone, also called RU-486. RU-486 blocks the action of a hormone called progesterone. 

第1步:孕妇在堕胎诊所或医生办公室,服下含有米非司酮,也称 RU-486 的药物。RU-486 将阻断孕激素的作用。

Progesterone is naturally produced in the mother's body to stabilize the lining of the uterus. When RU-486 blacks progesterone, the lining of the mother's uterus breaks down, cutting off blood and nourishment to the baby who then dies inside the mother's womb. 


It is important to note that even after it has been taken, it is possible to reverse the effects of RU-486 and save the baby. If progesterone is administered, the sooner the better.

值得注意的是,即使已经服用了药物,我们还是有可能逆转 RU-486 的作用,挽救胎儿的生命的。如果施用孕激素,则越早越好。

Step 2, 24 to 48 hours after taking RU-486, the woman takes misoprostol, also called cytotec that is administered either orally or vaginally. 

第2步:服下 RU-486 24-48小时后,施用米索前列醇,也称喜克溃片,可口服或经阴道使用。

RU-486 and misoprostol together caused severe cramping, contractions, and often heavy bleeding to force the dead baby out of the woman's uterus. The process can be very intense and painful, and the bleeding and contractions can last from a few hours to several days. 

RU-486 和米索前列醇共同作用导致子宫痉挛,收缩,并通常伴有出血,迫使死胎排出母体子宫。这一过程伴有剧烈疼痛,出血和收缩可能持续数小时至数天不等。

Well, she could lose her baby anytime and anywhere during this process. The woman will often sit on a toilet, as she prepares to expel the child which she will then flush. She may even see her dead baby within the pregnancy sack. At nine weeks, for example, the baby will be almost an inch long and if she looks carefully, she might be able to count the fingers and toes. 

在此过程中,孕妇可能在任何时刻,任何地点排出胎儿。她通常坐在马桶上,准备排出死去的胎儿,然后用水冲走。她甚至可能看到妊娠囊中的死胎,例如,9周的胎儿几乎有1英寸(2.54 cm)长,如果仔细观察,她能够数清手指和脚趾。

After she is disposed of her baby, the woman may have bleeding and spotting for several weeks. Bleeding lasts an average 9 to 16 days. 8% of women bleed more than 30 days, and 1% require hospitalization because of heavy bleeding. 

排出胎儿后,流产者可能伴有出血或点状出血,时间长达数周。出血平均持续时间为9-16天。8% 的流产者出血时间大于30天,1% 因大出血住院。

The failure rates increases as pregnacy is progresses. If failure occurs, she will usually be offered a surgical abortion. 


For the mother, medical abortion often causes abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and heavy bleeding. Maternal deaths have occurred most frequently due to infection and undiagnosed ectopic pregnancy.


As I mentioned at the  beginning, I'm Dr. Anthony Levatino. And in the early part of my career as an OBGY, and I performed over 1,200 abortions.

如我在开头提到的,我是 Anthony Levatino 医生。在妇产科执业的早期职业生涯里,我做过 1,200多台堕胎手术。

One day, after completing one of those abortions, I looked at the remains of a preborn child whose life I had ended and all I could see was someone's son or daughter. I came to realize that killing a baby at any stage of pregnancy for any reason is wrong. 

一天,在完成 1 次堕胎后,我看着一个流产儿的遗体,我亲手结束了它的生命,我能看到的只是,它是某个人的儿子或女儿。我开始意识到,在怀孕的任何阶段,以任何理由,杀死胎儿都是错误的。

I want you to know today no matter where you're at or what you've done, you can change. Make a decision today to protect the preborn. Thank you for your time. 


I will no longer do any more abortions. When you finally figure out that killing a baby that big for money is wrong. And it doesn't take it too long to figure out it doesn't matter if the baby is this big, or this bigger, this bigger, maybe even this big, it's all the same. And I haven't done any since then and I never will. 



  • Obstetrician


ob•ste•tri•cian/ˌɒbstɪˈtrɪʃən/n. 产科医生

A physician who specializes in obstetrics.

单词 obstetrician 由下列成分构成

obstetric 产科的


-ian(后缀)…专家, 专长于…的人

  • Gynecologist 

gy•ne•col•o•gist/ˌɡaɪnɪˈkɒlədʒɪst/n. 妇科医师

A physician specializing in gynecology. 

单词 gynecologist 由下列成分构成

gynecolog(y) 妇科学



