
学术   2024-09-08 09:30   河南  


Third Trimester of Pregnancy


Pregnancy is the time period during which a baby develops inside your uterus. It usually lasts about forty weeks starting from the first day of your last menstrual period. These forty weeks are grouped into roughly three segments, called trimesters. 

怀孕是胎儿在子宫内的发育期。它通常自末次月经第一天起,一直持续约 40 周。这 40 周大致分为三个阶段,即三个时期。

The third trimester begins about week twenty-eight and lasts until delivery. Most babies are born at around forty weeks, but some may be born before or after that time. 

孕后期从约 28周开始,一直持续到分娩。大多数胎儿在 40 周左右出生,但有些可能早于或晚于 40 周。

At the beginning of the third trimester, your baby, also known as a fetus, is over a foot long from head to rump

孕后期开始时,胎儿的头臀长超过 1 英寸(2.54 cm)。

By week thirty-two, your baby is gaining weight quickly. Your baby’s eyes can now sense light, and the eyelids open and close. The bones are still soft, but fully formed. Your baby may kick and jab forcefully. 

到 32 周,胎儿的体重快速增加。胎儿的眼睛现在能够感知光线,眼睑能够打开和闭合。骨骼仍然柔软,但已经完全成形。胎儿可能能够用力拳打脚踢。

At thirty-six weeks, the bones have started to harden. But the bones of the skull and the connections between them stay soft, allowing easier passage through the birth canal. Around this time, your baby will usually turn to a head-down position to prepare for birth. 

36 周时,胎儿的骨骼开始变硬。但是颅骨和它们之间的连接仍然很柔软,因此更容易通过产道。此时,胎儿通常转变为头朝下的姿势,为娩出做准备。

By the end of the third trimester, all of the organs, including the lungs, are ready to function on their own. Your baby drops lower into your pelvis, and could be born any day now. You may feel more uncomfortable during the third trimester as your growing baby puts pressure on your organs. 


Some of the changes you may notice include 


shortness of breath, heartburn, swelling of your ankles, fingers, and face, tender breasts that may leak a watery pre-milk, called colostrum, your belly button sticks out, trouble sleeping, hemorrhoids, irregular, false labor pains, called Braxton Hicks contractions, and regular, true labor contractions. 


If you have any questions about how your baby is developing, or concerns about how you’re feeling, talk to your healthcare provider.



  • Colostrum


co•los•trum/kəˈlɑːstrəm/n. 初乳

The thin milky secretion from the nipples that precedes and follows true lactation.

单词 colostrum 的形容词 colostral 初乳的


  • Hemorrhoid 

hem•or•rhoid/ˌhemə'rɔɪd/n. 痔疮

A swollen blood vessel in the region of the anus. Also called pile. 

单词 hemorrhoid 的形容词 hemorrhoidal 痔疮的



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