Femorning Daily 23.12.2024

财富   2024-12-23 06:52   上海  

1.The National Audit Office stated that, as of the end of September, among the issues identified in the 2023 annual audit, 1,786 required immediate rectification, with a rectification rate reaching 94%, an increase of two percentage points year-on-year. Relevant localities, departments, and units have rectified issues amounting to over 538 billion yuan, and over 2,800 individuals have been held accountable.

  1. 1.     审计署表示,截至9月底,2023年度审计查出问题中,要求立行立改的1786个问题,整改率达到94%,同比上升两个百分点。有关地方、部门和单位共整改问题金额5380多亿元,追责问责2800多人。

2.According to Xinhua News, since December, Hengyang City in Hunan Province and Zhangjiakou City in Hebei Province have successively announced the "abolition of common pool" or the gradual promotion of "abolition of common pool". Industry insiders said that the abolition of common pool area means that in the future, "what you buy is what you get" in house purchasing will be realized, which is conducive to reducing disputes caused by information asymmetry. It is expected that more cities will follow suit in the future.

  1. 2.     新华网消息,12月以来,湖南省衡阳市、河北省张家口市先后宣布,取消公摊或逐步推进取消公摊。业内人士称,取消公摊面积,意味着未来将能实现购房所购即所得有利于减少信息不对称所引发的纠纷,预计后续将有更多城市跟进。

3. Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, has completed the revision of the "Technical Regulations on Urban Planning and Management of Zhengzhou City". The floor area ratio (FAR) for newly developed residential projects in the central urban area will not exceed 2.5, the minimum height of residential buildings will be increased to 3 meters, and the proportion of residential vehicle charging facilities will be simultaneously increased to 30%, fully supporting the popularization of new energy vehicles.

  1. 3.     河南省郑州市完成修订《郑州市城市规划管理技术规定》。中心城区新编住宅项目容积率不超2.5,将住宅层高下限升至3米,将住宅机动车充电设施同步配建比例上调至30%,全面支持新能源汽车的普及。

4. According to the 21st Century Business Herald, the performance of active equity funds varied by over 100 percentage points during the year. The three active equity funds with the highest profits all adopted a high concentration strategy, while the three funds with the largest losses all adopted a low concentration strategy. This low concentration approach, which breaks down the whole into parts, is related to addressing potential large redemption risks.

  1. 4.     21世纪经济报道消息,年内主动权益类基金业绩首尾相差超过100个百分点。目前年内盈利最高的三只主动权益类基金全部采用高集中度策略,亏损最多的三只基金则全部采用低集中度策略。低集中度这种化整为零的打法与应对潜在的大额赎回风险有关。

5. CITIC Securities' research report points out that the thematic rotation led by active funds and the willingness of institutional funds to increase dividend allocation are expected to drive the market over the next year. Real estate sales are also expected to usher in a "mini-spring". There is still considerable room for further easing of domestic monetary policy. The market's active funds and institutional funds have not yet reached a consensus, and will continue to exhibit the characteristic of "separate pricing".

  1. 5.     中信证券研报指出,预计活跃资金主导的主题轮动和机构资金红利增配的意愿将推动跨年行情。地产销售也有望迎来小阳春,国内的货币政策后续宽松的空间依然较大,市场活跃资金与机构资金暂未形成共识,仍将延续分离定价的特征。

6. According to a report by China Securities Journal, currently, some banks offer a high interest rate of up to 4% for 5-year individual pension deposits. The interest rate for 3-year deposits can reach 3.5%, which is much higher than the regular deposit interest rate. In addition, several banks have launched a series of promotional activities such as red envelopes to encourage customers to open accounts and deposit individual pensions.

  1. 6.     据中证报报道,目前,部分银行5年期个人养老金存款利率高达4%3年期利率可达3.5%,远高于普通定期存款利率。此外,多家银行为鼓励客户开户缴存个人养老金,还推出一系列领红包等优惠活动。

7. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology stated that the number of software developers in China has exceeded 9.4 million. Currently, over 70 organizations have joined the open-source HarmonyOS ecosystem, with more than 8,100 individuals contributing to the code, totaling over 120 million lines of code.

7.     工信部表示,我国软件开发者数量突破940万。目前已有超过70家单位加入开源鸿蒙生态、超过8100人参与代码贡献,贡献代码超过1.2亿行。

8. The National Energy Group announced that China's largest "fishery-photovoltaic complementary" project has been connected to the grid for power generation, with an average annual generating capacity of approximately 1.86 billion kWh, which can roughly meet the annual electricity consumption of 2.79 million residents. This project can save approximately 561,000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 1.4 million tons annually.

  1. 8.     国家能源集团称,我国最大渔光互补项目并网发电,年均发电量约18.6亿千瓦时,大约能满足279万居民的一年用电量。每年可节约标煤约56.1万吨,减少二氧化碳排放约140万吨。

9. According to the announcement of NASA, the Webb Telescope has newly discovered over a hundred "mini" asteroids, which are smaller than the asteroids previously detected in the main asteroid belt of the solar system by astronomers. The new discoveries will help enhance people's understanding of the size, quantity, and evolutionary history of the main belt asteroids. The relevant paper has been published in the British journal "Nature".

  1. 9.     美国航天局公告显示,韦布望远镜新发现百余颗迷你小行星,这些小行星比天文学家先前在太阳系主小行星带探测到的小行星都要小。新发现有助增进人们对主带小行星大小、数量和演化历史的了解。相关论文已发表在英国《自然》杂志上。

10.Kweichow Moutai stated that the group will continue to support the development of the wine company, positioning it as "enriching the Moutai product line, defending the Moutai brand, and spreading the Moutai culture".

  1. 10.     贵州茅台表示,集团将继续支持葡萄酒公司发展,对其定位就是丰富茅台产品线、拱卫茅台品牌、传播茅台文化

