RooMoo News|2023 dezeen awards:上海崃州吧 获 可持续性室内设计类别 年度最佳

2023-12-01 18:00   上海  

  • About Lai Zhou Bar
2023 dezeen awards可持续性室内设计类别,上海崃州吧由全球最终入围的5个项目中脱颖而出,获得今年度的年度最佳。

In the 2023 Dezeen Awards, in the category of Sustainable Interior Design, Shanghai Lai Zhou Bar stood out among the five global projects and secured the winner for the year.

Judges comments:

"This whisky bar made from used whisky barrels sets a striking precedent for how companies can repurpose their own waste materials into something beautiful and meaningful. By allowing more components to be added over time as barrels fall out of use, the interior highlights the continuous need to keep closing the loop."

RooMoo Design Studio
Interior \x26amp; Spatial Design