已有15年历史的ArchDaily年度建筑奖,为建筑界相当具有影响力的奖项,每年有 4,000 多个项目参与,该建筑奖由Dornbracht所颁发。RooMoo《松慢民宿》入选了今年Hospitality
Architecture类别。我们想跟您分享我们的喜悦,也期待您能为我们投上珍贵的一票! The
ArchDaily Building of the Year Awards, which has been around for 15 years, is an
influential award in the architecture design world, with over 4,000 projects
participating each year. The awards are awarded by Dornbracht. RooMoo's " SOM LAND
" has been selected in this year's Hospitality Architecture category. We
want to share our joy with you and we hope that you can vote for us!
如何投票:1. 扫描下方二维码 (手机可直接使用二维码打开)或者复制以下链接至浏览器,即可进入投票页面。https://boty.archdaily.com/us/2024/candidates/163622/2. 点击“VOTE FOR THIS PROJECT“按键投票。ArchDaily新用户需注册账号并进行邮箱验证,已有账号用户可直接登录。3. 邮箱内激活账号后,回到投票页面,再次点击“VOTE
FOR THIS PROJECT“按钮即可。投票时间从 1 月 30 日开始,到 2 月 14 日美国东部时间凌晨 12:01 结束 (北京时间至2月15日下午13:00结束)。 How to vote:1. Scan the QR code below (long press the QR code) or copy the following link to your browser to
enter the voting page. https://boty.archdaily.com/us/2024/candidates/163622/2. Click
"VOTE FOR THIS PROJECT" to vote. New ArchDaily users need to register
an account and verify their email address. Existing ArchDaily users can log in
directly.3. After activating your account in your
email, go back to the voting page and click "VOTE FOR THIS PROJECT"
again.The voting period starts from January 30th to
February 14th at 12:01 AM EST (Beijing Time: February 15th at 13:00 PM).