形成空间,留出空间。 ------赫曼·赫兹伯格
Making Space , Leaving Space. ------Herman Hertzberger
Shanghai RIDET Technology is a pioneering company specializing in developing life sciences instruments. RIDET's office space on the first floor is composed of two square shaped area divided by a public corridor.The site, constructed with a steel metal structure, has been divided to house the main office area on the right side and the workshop area on the left side.
不同于科技产业惯用的色系(蓝或绿),镭特的品牌色为粉红及粉绿,并且自源于RIDET的logo上( I+D =微笑笑脸设计)也都可以看出,镭特想要传达其柔和科技感的用心。
Ridet's name derives from the Latin word "He laughs," which is reflected in the Ridet Logo (I+D= smiling). The overall design creates a feeling of happiness in the aesthetic to reflect the brand's identity. For this, RooMoo Design Studio designed suspended elements in the shape of a "smile" using semi-transparent curved panels. It is reinforced by the use of colours, pink and light green, conveying a blend of softness, happiness and a sense of technology in the visual approach.
结构与体块是有机空间的逻辑 / Structure and volume are the logic of organic space
荷兰结构主义建筑师赫曼·赫茨伯格(Herman Hertzberger)强调空间的可塑性,重视结构和形式上的简洁性,并倡导在设计中考虑使用者的需求。所以我们延用了结构主义的核心特征,在镭特既有的两个空间基础框架上新增新的经纬度结构,同时两个空间各增加一个半层的L型2层结构,并且将楼梯至于空间的中心。我们可以看出空间中所形成的体块关系,成为一种可以任意植入与拼接各个功能区关系的载体,为空间提供了一种有机的发展方式。结构关系和体块的延伸,提供了用户可以灵活地去调整工作区域链接关系的可能性。
Dutch structuralist architect Herman Hertzberger emphasizes space's malleability, simplicity in structure, and user-centric design. In RIDET, we've integrated structuralism by adding new structures to the existing framework. Each space now includes a half-level L-shaped mezzanine with stairs at the center. This forms versatile block relationships, allowing seamless integration of different functional zones and allowing users to explore spatial connections flexibly.
The arrangement of the entire spatial sequence emphasizes balancing openness and enclosure. As a large space, RIDET consists of distinct semi-private smaller spaces, allowing everyone to experience others' activities during work while preserving private work areas. The printing and cleaning rooms are strategically positioned under two separate staircases for optimal space utilization.
灵活组装是实用性的展现 / Flexible assembly is a demonstration of practicality
The "smile" elements can be found suspended from the ceiling above the reception desk structure, and as well as door handles, creating a lovely atmosphere.
Simultaneously, RooMoo extended the concept of "assembly" by adopting an industrial style and assembly approach for RIDET's overall space design. Building upon the relationship between structure and considering potential future adjustments, RooMoo utilized existing elements such as brick walls, ceiling metal beams, and metal supports to incorporate the building's inherent industrial structure into a minimalist and practical style.
For the main wall, RooMoo employed an "I-beam" shaped steel structure , light green and pink gypsum boards , and semi-transparent curved corrugated panels as compositional elements. The gypsum boards directly match the brand colors, eliminating the need for additional coloring and reducing painting processes. In contrast, the corrugated panels are easily assembled and disassembled, echoing the concept of "assembly."
一处汇聚归属感的空间 / A space that gathers a sense of belonging
Architectural structuralism advocates for spaces that foster interactive communication and experiences. It emphasizes human needs, comfort, and the creation of environments suitable for living and working. It underscores personalized spaces, light, ventilation, and people's spatial perception. Industrial-style spaces feature open floor plans, fluidity, and transparency, emphasizing simple and functional design.
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