RooMoo News | RooMoo 荣幸上榜第10届 Architizer A+A Awards 终选名单

2022-05-18 20:00  

RooMoo荣幸上榜第10Architizer A+A Awards终选名单‘Best Young Interior Design Firm’类别。RooMoo is honored to be chosen as the Finalist in the 10th Architizer A+A Awards held by Architizer for the category of ‘Best Young Interior Design Firm’.



Architizer is how architects search for, evaluate and share building-products across teams. Founded in 2009, their mission is to empower architects with information to build better buildings, better cities and a better world.

本季度是Architizer成立10周年的日子,Architizer具有标志性的A+A Awards计划将继续履行其最初的使命:使建筑民主化,并推动伟大设计的巨大价值,并与那些通过他们的项目表现出卓越成绩的人们一起庆贺。A+Awards表彰世界上最优秀的公司完成的非凡工作,并展示先锋建筑师和设计师的工作业绩,因为他们努力地创造了经得起时间考验的建筑-这个十年,与下一个十年。

Marking its 10th anniversary this season, Architizer's iconic A+Awards program continues to drive home to its original mission: To democratize architecture, drive home the immense value of great design, and celebrate those that demonstrate excellence through their projects.The A+Awards celebrates the extraordinary work of the world's best firms, highlighting the work of pioneering architects and designers as they strive to create architecture that will stand the test of time — for this decade and the next.


The public voting is currently opening, opening time: May 17-27, 2022, could you please vote for RooMoo by click on this link:


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RooMoo Design Studio
Interior \x26amp; Spatial Design