已有20年历史的「DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖」为香港设计中心旗舰项目,旨在表彰卓越设计,嘉许具亚洲视野的优秀设计项目,褒扬各种体现亚洲美学及文化,且聚焦亚洲并在区内具影响力的设计方案。自2003年创立以来,「DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖」已成为设计人才及不同单位向世界展示其杰出设计作品的平台。由评审团依照其整体卓越表现及下列因素:创意及以人为本、可用性、美学、可持续发展性、对亚洲的影响力,以及商业及社会上的成就作出评分。The DFA Design for Asia Awards is the flagship
programme of Hong Kong Design Centre (HKDC), celebrating design excellence and
acknowledging outstanding designs with Asian perspectives. Since its launch in
2003, the DFA Design for Asia Awards has been a stage upon which design talents
and corporations can showcase their design projects internationally. Entries will be evaluated based on overall
excellence and factors such as creativity and human-centric innovation,
usability, aesthetics, sustainability, impact in Asia, as well as commercial
and societal success in the judging process.RooMoo今年很荣幸能有两项作品获得了DFA亚洲最具影响力设计奖的肯定,分别为银奖:崃州吧;铜奖松慢民宿。
RooMoo is honored to have two of its works recognized at this year's DFA Asia's Most Influential Design Awards, receiving the Silver Award for 'Laizhou Bar' and the Bronze Award for 'SomLand Hostel' .每一个美好的产品背后,必定带着美学审美的生产过程。生产中的审美规律延伸出的不仅仅是关于产品的美,也是关于生产环境的美以及产品质量的美。而崃州蒸馏厂在致力研究威士忌多元风味的同时,从酒厂迈出,希望呈现品牌的文化与中国威士忌的态度,拉近与所有威士忌爱好者的距离,于上海开设了第一间品牌体验酒吧。Behind
every beautiful product, there is always an aesthetically pleasing production
process. The aesthetic trend in production extends not only to the beauty of
products but also to the beauty of the production environment and the products
themself.上海崇明岛“松慢”民宿,原为两幢老屋建筑,因应当地法规规定建筑改造基于原有建筑高度和垂直阴影范围内进行改造,并且搭配客户需求,将其规划为:主楼(住宿楼),二层楼改为三层;附楼,楼层为一层。内部以“增加楼层数”、“调整房间布局”、“楼梯位置”等为其重新规划,外部则以“屋顶”、“窗户”及“外墙装饰面”等,做重新改造。SomLand Hostel on Chongming Island in Shanghai was
originally composed of two old buildings. Due to local regulations, the
architectural renovation had to be based on the original building height and
the range of vertical shadow. Therefore, the plan was to transform the main
building (accommodation building) by adding a third floor to the existing two
floors. The auxiliary building remained as a single-story structure. The
internal renovations included adjustments to room layouts, stair positions, and
other aspects related to increasing the number of floors. The external
renovations focused on the roof, windows, and exterior wall decorations.