RooMoo News|2023 dezeen awards:上海松慢民宿 获 酒店和民宿室內类别 高度赞誉

2023-12-04 12:00   上海  

  • About Som Land Hostel 

2023 dezeen awards酒店和民宿室内设计类别,上海松慢民宿由全球最终入围5个酒店项目中脱颖而出,在今年获得了高度赞誉。

In the 2023 Dezeen Awards, in the Hotel and short-stay interior category, Shanghai Som Land Hostel emerged from the five hotel projects  shortlisted and received highly commended for this year.

Judges comments:

"The offering of Som Land being a hostel is improbable and fantastic. It is important to identify and recognise new innovative projects such as this one, with a typology so different to the rest of China."

RooMoo Design Studio
Interior \x26amp; Spatial Design