剑桥大学 MRC-CBU 脑电/脑磁 (EEG/MEG) 教学视频上线了

文摘   2024-07-30 05:04   英国  

之前提到过CBU的博士训练课程里有一部分是介绍Neuroimaging方法学(Cam学记05 | 剑桥如何培养心理学博士(MRC-CBU)),其中脑电/脑磁课程是由CBU的M/EEG的boss:Dr. Olaf Hauk主讲。Olaf是MEG方法学的专家,同时也从事语言方面的认知神经科学研究。近期,他将这套课程放到了网上,可供大家学习,是一个非常好的材料。


EEG/MEG measurement and pre-processing
1. Overview of EEG/MEG data processing from raw data to source estimates
2. A brief history of timing
3. The measurement of EEG and MEG signals and their neuronal generators
4. Basics of EEG/MEG artefacts and their correction
5. Frequency and temporal filtering of EEG/MEG data
6. Maxfiltering of EEG/MEG data
7. Topographical artefact correction of EEG/MEG data
8. The differential sensitivities of EEG and MEG to their neuronal generators
9. Event-related potentials and fields

EEG/MEG head modelling and source estimation
1. The EEG/MEG forward model
2.  Source spaces for EEG/MEG source estimation
3. Head models for EEG/MEG source estimation
4. The EEG/MEG inverse problem
5. The spatial resolution of linear EEG/MEG source estimation
6. Comparison of spatial resolution for linear EEG/MEG source estimation methods
7. Noise and regularisation in EEG/MEG source estimates

1. The basics of signals in the frequency domain
2. Frequency spectra and the Fourier analysis
3. Time-frequency analysis and wavelets
4. The basis of functional connectivity methods
5. Spatial resolution (leakage) and connectivity

Further topics
1. Primer on group statistics for EEG/MEG data
2. Primer on decoding and RSA with EEG/MEG data
3. Multimodal imaging and prior information for EEG/MEG analysis



Cambridge MRC-CBU认知神经科学博士在读,还在学习一切的神经科学新手村玩家。