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1. Describing the institution of the reality principle 现实原则 Freud said,
“The increased significance of external reality heightened the significance also of the sense-organs directed towards that outer world, and of the consciousness attached to them; the latter now learned to comprehend the qualities of sense in addition to the qualities of pleasure and pain which hitherto had alone been of interest to it.” I emphasize, “the latter now learned to comprehend”;
by “the latter” Freud presumably means “the consciousness attached to the sense impressions 感官印象”. The attribution of comprehension to consciousness I discuss later. Of immediate concern is the function of comprehension理解 itself; comprehension of the sense impressions and comprehension of the qualities of pleasure and pain are both investigated in this discussion.
I treat sense impressions, pleasure and pain as alike real, thereby discarding the distinction that Freud makes between the “outer-world” and pleasure and pain, as irrelevant to the theme of comprehension.
I shall, however, discuss the bearing of the Pleasure principle 唯乐原则 and the Reality principle 唯识原则 on the choice that a patient can be seen to make between modifying frustration 修饰/改进挫折 and evading 逃避挫折 it.
2. The attribution of comprehension to consciousness leads to contradictions 不一致的看法 which are avoided by accepting, for purposes of the theory I wish to propound提出(意见仅供参考), Freud’s later conceptualization, “but what part is there left to be played in our scheme of consciousness, which was once so omnipotent and hid all else from view? Only that of a sense-organ感觉器官for the perception 知觉of psychical qualities”(Freud’s italics).
3. Continuing the quotation from Freud’s ‘Formulations on the Two Principles of Mental Functioning’, “A special function was instituted which had periodically to search the other world in order that its data might be already familiar if an urgent inner need should arise; this function was attention注意力. Its activity meets the sense impressions half-way半路上/中途 instead of awaiting their appearance.” Freud did not carry his investigation of attention far, but the term, as he uses it, has a meaning I would investigate as a factor in alpha-function.
4. Freud continues, “At the same time there was probably introduced a system of notation, whose task was to deposit the results of this periodical activity of consciousness – a part of that which we call memory.”Notation 符号 and the deposition of the results of attention 注意力成果的储存 are also phenomena to be investigated by the aid of the theory of alphafunction.
5. Certain theories of Melanie Klein and her co-workers will be considered; I list them here. They are:
splitting and projective identification分裂与投射性认同; the transition from the paranoid-schizoid to the depressive position and vice-versa偏执分裂心位与抑郁心位之间的转换; symbol formation and some of my previous work on the development of verbal thought 符号的形成以及(我之前说的)言语思维的发展.
I shall not discuss them except as factors modified by combination with each other in a function. So much for previous work; I now give an example of the employment of this Theory of Functions in a psychoanalytic investigation of the field covered by the work referred to in this chapter.