VITA × SHORTS | 戛纳导演双周 Cannes 短片线上放映「05.30 - 06.07」

科技   电影   2024-05-31 00:25   上海  

导读:据Festival Scope官方公布,戛纳电影节导演/电影人双周已于近期开放线上观影节目策划,包括今年入围的6部精选短片。

观影限时自5月30日启动,至6月7日结束。今年导演双周官方海报出自日本导演北野武的画作,北野武导演 1996 年作品坏孩子的天空曾入选过此单元。


今年,戛纳导演双周总共有21部长片、9部短片入围展映,其中有 4 部是导演首部长片作品。由新加坡导演曾威量执导、陆弈静主演的悬疑片《白衣苍狗》是该单元唯一入选的华语影片,并获金摄影机奖特别提及。


After The Sun

Rayane Mcirdi | 2024 / 25min

A summer at the end of the 1980s. An Algerian family takes to the road from the Paris suburbs, where they live, to reach Marseille. On the horizon, a mythical ferry, the port of Algiers, a holiday “back home” to a place the children have never experienced. In the overloaded van, a mixture of joy and excitement, freedom and nostalgia.

安东尼的天气:Anotine Elise and Leandre

Jules Follet | 2024 / 27min

Antoine has taken over his parents’ farm. His partner, Élise, who is committed to the project, is careful to define her role as precisely as possible. With a skillful use of music, this French documentary captures the vitality and evolution of a world so often reduced to its socio-economic difficulties.

非常短:Extremely Short

Kōji Yamamura | 2024 / 5min

The shortest film in the selection, but by no means the least intense, is by a master of Japanese animation, Kōji Yamamura. Somewhere between calligraphy, embryology, and words from beyond the grave, a convulsive poem wraps itself around the Japanese syllable ‘da’ – a breath that could just as well be the first as the last.


Kim Lêa Sakkal | 2024 / 22min

The assistant of a creepy power couple inexplicably finds herself pregnant. Immaculata feels like an unexpected offshoot of Rosemary’s Baby, between its half-open doors and a phobia of fluids.

Mulberry Fields

Nguyễn Trung Nghĩa | 2024 / 24min

In Vietnam, a woman in her late sixties struggles to inhabit the off-plan apartment she bought in an unfinished building while getting entangled in a self-improvement pyramid scheme. In the shadows of the building – merely a skeleton of reinforced concrete – her movements and those of a young man who has also found refuge there appear to shadow each other.

精心照料的工作:Very Gentle Work

Nate Lavey | 2024 / 24min

In this film that combines documentary, fiction, and essay, a man relates, in a methodical voice-over, an alternative map of Manhattan based on acts of revolutionary violence that have taken place there. Very Gentle Work’s penchant for topography and archive is reminiscent of Sebald’s literature.



2023年,第二届VITA地平线华语青年影展升级启动,推出原创宣传动画短片《时光电影院》,年度主题聚焦“风自东方来”,艺术总监由塞尔维亚文化部部长顾问、欧洲著名动画艺术家、诺维萨德大学教授Mileta Postic担任,评委会主席由中国香港著名导演,金像奖、金马奖得主高志森领衔。各单元短片从1221份报名材料中脱颖而出,抵达各位观众。


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中国首家聚焦泛华语视野的新秀节展,VITA SHORTS 始终坚守电影创作与观赏自由,发掘当代电影语境下具备强生命力的青年影像,搭建短片精神的自由地。