VITA × SHORTS | 戛纳影评人周 Cannes 短片线上放映「05.23 - 05.29」

科技   电影   2024-05-24 16:58   上海  

导读:据Festival Scope官方公布,戛纳电影节影评人周已于近期开放线上观影节目策划,包括今年入围的9部精选短片。



戛纳影评人周 Semaine de la critique 创办于1962年,由法国影评人协会策划选片,是戛纳最早设立的平行单元,致力于向世界推荐新锐导演,发掘新的电影人才,重点关注他们的首部或第二部作品。

近年有多部华语短片作品入围影评人周:《一个散步的夜晚》、《口腔溃疡》、《当我望向你的时候》、《朵丽》、《访客》等。今年,邹静导演处女作长片《无名女孩》剧本获 Next Step 剧本工坊首奖。

在角落里跳舞:Dancing In The Corner

Jan Bujnowski | 2024 | 12min

After the fall of communism in 1989, colour TVs were no longer a luxury good in Poland. The screens in many Polish homes are beginning to look like the reality outside the window. But is reality truly colourful?


Guil Sela | 2024 | 14min

On a beautiful autumn day, in Montsouris Park in Paris, Jacques and Nathan are looking for interesting people to shoot their documentary. They chance upon Pierre and Martin, two odd dodos about to have an unusual experience.


Cem Demirer | 2024 | 24min

Mert, a 30-year-old male, is employed at an abandoned-looking amusement park. He is grappling with an internal duality while sensing a lurking identity bent on undermining him. Throughout the film, Mert interacts with various people and creatures, struggling to understand what’s going wrong with his mental health. Despite his persistent pursuit of answers, Mert confronts a daunting struggle to delve into the depths of his psyche, hindered by a hesitancy to fully confront the mysteries within.


Arvin Belarmino | 2024 | 21min

A young rookie from a bizarre chicken dance group faces a heckler after being the worst dancer at a performance -leading him to a series of strange events that reveal what the group does to their weakest link.

桑拿日:Sauna Day

Anna Hints ;Tushar Prakash | 2024 | 13min

Sauna Day invites you into the world of Southern Estonian men who go to the dark-intimate space of a smoke sauna after a hard day’s work. Beneath their tough exteriors lies a desire for connection, veiled in secrecy.

南方新娘:Southern Brides

Elena López Riera | 2024 | 40min

Mature women talk about their wedding, their first time, their intimate relationship with sex. In repeating these age-old rituals, the director questions her own condition as an unmarried woman with no children, and therefore the end of a mother-daughter chain-relationship.


Veronica Martiradonna | 2024 | 10min

Having crept into a tent, a young girl steps out of it grown and strangely dressed as a bunny rabbit. An inner journey through which the young woman tries to understand the drama at the root of all her suffering.

The Girl And The Pot

Valentina Homem | 2024 | 12min

In a dystopian world, a girl breaks her ceramic pot, which holds a secret within. The breaking of the pot opens portals to a parallel universe and the girl enters a time of transformation in which the creation of a new world is finally possible.

What We Ask Of A Statue Is That It Doesn't Move

Daphné Hérétakis | 2024 | 32min

Nothing seems to be moving in Athens and the people are as still as statues. But elsewhere in the city, a caryatid escapes the museum and a small groupuscule demands the destruction of all antiquities. Perhaps filming is the only way to avoid turning into stone.



2023年,第二届VITA地平线华语青年影展升级启动,推出原创宣传动画短片《时光电影院》,年度主题聚焦“风自东方来”,艺术总监由塞尔维亚文化部部长顾问、欧洲著名动画艺术家、诺维萨德大学教授Mileta Postic担任,评委会主席由中国香港著名导演,金像奖、金马奖得主高志森领衔。各单元短片从1221份报名材料中脱颖而出,抵达各位观众。


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中国首家聚焦泛华语视野的新秀节展,VITA SHORTS 始终坚守电影创作与观赏自由,发掘当代电影语境下具备强生命力的青年影像,搭建短片精神的自由地。