日常和友人以及学生家长朋友们聊天,能切身感觉到从前车马很慢,一辈子遇不到一个骗子。现在科技发达了,哪怕窝在自己的被窝里,也可能被千里之外的犯罪分子盯上。没社会经验的孩子会以为一个陌生的网友,能带来坚不可摧的友情。梦想创业成功的年轻人,会以为商业陷阱只是远方。还有恋爱脑的孩纸们,完全想不到海底有去无回的星空,会是怎样的绚丽。不仅是我们的剑桥体系,雅思托福,甚至包括前两天去考一线国际学校的娃,也遇上了与时俱进的“秦朗丢作业”,网红道歉,新黄色新闻泛滥等犯罪话题。科技对于诱发犯罪,还是能更好地遏制犯罪,仁者见仁智者见智,归根到底还是那句古话:害人之心不可有,防人之心不可无 ~
CPE & 雅思原题:
Some people think technological development can reduce crime, while others think it would encourage crime. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement:Technological development can reduce crime?
Some people assume that technology advances can escalate crimes, while others say the development serves to curb illegal activities. From my perspective, both views have their justification, depending on the viewpoints from which we see the causal mechanism.
On the one hand, there are reasons why some people associate technological breakthrough with increased criminal activities. For those who think in this way, they tend to assume the advent of digital tools provides would-be offenders with more opportunities to break laws, whether these be Internet fraud, or computer hacking. To complicate matters even worse, the widespread use of the Internet also makes it easier for criminals to do illegal business outside of their own countries.
While the above reasoning does have its plausibility, I also agree with the opinion that technological development can be also used to curb crimes. Whether technological advance is a curse or blessing to law breakers is the outcome of complex causal configurations that act conjointly in the real world; the same technology that exacerbates crimes may also lead to positive results when joined by other factors. For example, law enforcement agencies can leverage digital technology to track offenders' information, such as personal identification or account details. By the same token, the Internet allows different countries to collaborate more closely in fighting cross-border crimes.
In conclusion, the impact of technological progress on crime should be viewed from both positive and negative angles. It is clear that technology can both facilitate and hinder criminal activities, and its overall effect depends on how it is applied within the context of law enforcement and criminal intent.
advancements in technology 技术进步
causal mechanisms 因果机制
technological breakthroughs 技术突破
rise in criminal activities 犯罪活动的增加
engage in illegal activities 从事非法活动
internet fraud 互联网欺诈
computer hacking 计算机黑客行为
beyond national borders 超越国界
combating crime 打击犯罪
boon or a bane 福祸
yield positive outcomes 产生积极结果
law enforcement agencies 执法机构
leverage digital technology 利用数字技术
track offenders' information 跟踪罪犯信息
personal identification 个人身份识别
closer collaboration among countries 国家之间更紧密的合作
tackling cross-border criminal activities 解决跨境犯罪活动
facilitate and hinder 促进与阻碍
law enforcement and criminal intent 执法和犯罪意图
(所有科目,仅开设VIP 1V1模式)