图集|卢浮宫展览 奥林匹克 Olympism 下

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图集|莱顿博物馆 古埃及、希腊与罗马
纸草|闪闪反光的维也纳纸草 1

【讲座纪要】范欧诺 | 雅典丧葬铭文(一)



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Greek Epigraphy 1. 希腊铭文网站介绍之Saxa Loquuntur

书籍速递| 碑铭学 The Materiality of Text

图集|卢浮宫展览 奥林匹克 上

Cup: athlete scenes, discus thrower

In the style of the Antiphon Painter Athens, about 490 BC Clay, red-figure technique

Panathenaic amphora awarded to the winner of the ancient Games in Athens: runners
Attributed to the Kleophrades Painter Athens, about 500 BC Clay, black-figure technique

Krater: Lampadedromia (torch race)
Signed by 'Nikias, potter'
About 420-400 BC
Clay, red-figure technique
Sheet of stamps: Lampadedromia (torch race)
Émile Gilliéron and Louis-Eugène Mouchon (engraver)
Second commemorative edition for the Athens
Mesolympics, 1906
Printed on stamp paper
This 1906 stamp was inspired by the ancient torch race, mainly held for the Panathenaic Games in honour of Athena. Its motif, borrowed from a krater at the British Museum, proves the emergence of the modern lampadedromia at the 1906 Mesolympics, before its official introduction at the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

Modern copy: 'Hermes of Olympia'
After an original Greek work by Praxiteles made in the 4th century BC
Late 19th century, Berlin workshop
Sheet of stamps: 'Hermes of Olympia'
Émile Gilliéron and Louis-Eugène Mouchon (engraver)
Commemorative edition for the Athens Olympic Game:
Printed on stamp paper
The ancient statue of Hermes carrying the infant Dionysos was discovered during excavations at the Temple of Hera at Olympia in 1877 and identified based on the description made of it in the 2nd century AD by the writer Pausanias. The copy was issued in 1894 without the legs, which were added at a later time. The plaster shows the condition prior to conservation treatment. Gilliéron completed the legs and feet for the stamp.

Set of plaques and medallions (modelli): scenes of sporting events:
Emile Gilliéron
Between 1895 and 1905
1 - Discobolus, after the statue by Myron
2 - Athlete with javelin, after a red-figure olpe
3 - Four men racing, after a Panathenaic amphora
4 - Two wrestlers, after the red-figure amphoriskos (no. 6)
5 - Discobolus, after a coin from Kos
Five plaster bas-reliefs, decorated with scenes of the ancient pentathion, were discovered in Gilliéron's bequest. A text by the artist reveals his intention to produce a series of trophies for these five events, one per sport. The modelli (models) were to be used for the metal relief reproduction of trophies that were never made.
