氵度·Transitional Traces
展览名称:《氵度·Transitional Traces》
策展人:靳秦乐 / 张涵旭
参展艺术家(12):陈子洋 / 余政谚 / 陈彦伊 / 郝文惠 / 姜爽 / 孙铭浩 / 张镇麟 / Amanda Cornish / Issy Wilson / Jan Valik / Julian Lombardi / Liu Kim
展览时间:2024年3月1日至4日 11:00 - 17:00 (4日 16:30结束)
开幕时间:2024年3月2日 17:30 - 20:00
《氵度·Transitional Traces》作为一场展出超过20件抽象作品的群展,涵盖了12位才华横溢且在皇家艺术学院学习的艺术家所创作的绘画、瓷器、雕塑与装置作品,为RCA-CSSA2024艺术季展开首场序幕,将于2024年3月1日至4日于M P Birla Millennium Art Gallery在伦敦展出(11:00-17:00)。本次展览由皇家艺术学院当代艺术策展专业在读学生靳秦乐与张涵旭联合策划。
Transitional Traces, is a group exhibition curated by Qinle Jin and Hanxu Zhang that presents over 20 abstract works with the M P Birla Millennium Art Gallery in London, featuring paintings, ceramics, sculptures, and installations crafted by 12 talented artists studying at the Royal College of Art. As the opening exhibition of the RCA-CSSA Art Season, this exhibition will open from March 1st to the 4th.
Traces may vanish in an instant, but emotions still will remain. The exhibition represents the dynamic interplay of visual elements, inviting visitors to silently engage with the works while exploring the balance between rational composition and emotional expression. The paint is thinned to a liquid and flows over the various works, while the image is shaped by relationships and mediated by colour tones. It creates a transitional undercurrent that flows through the air, imbuing the space with rhythm and emotion. It specifies the exhibition's ambiance, infusing the works with an almost ethereal visual tension.
Chinese Students and Scholars Association at The Royal College of Art