今天的写作新题型和昨天一样不太简单,但口语和综合写作直接重复原题!尤其是bird feeder考过好几次,我们在此前的推送里放出过范文,大家记得去参考哦~特别提示:建议大家备考期间星标【子睿托福说】&订阅本考情回顾合集,以免错过重要信息。
-Birds gather easily, thus spreading diseases.它鼓励鸟在一起和传播疾病,例如红色眼疾
-Birds are exposed to predators. 鸟类捕食像猫一样,很容易受到伤害
-It will influence birds’ migration pattern. 如果有足够的食物,他们不会搬到温暖的地方,从而影响他们的迁徙路线和交配生产力
-The diseases that spread in Hinch are always group-by-group. It has nothing to do with humans. 鸟的自然特征就是呆在一起,而不是人类的作用结果
-If humans feed birds, extra nutrition will make them stronger and healthier, enhancing the speed of reproduction. Thenumber of new-born birds will be larger than the number of dead birds. 这是真的,但是喂鸟器提供营养鸟类和他们更健康和强壮
-It will not disturb the pattern of natural migration, because birds will depend on shortened sunlight to decide the migration time. 鸟类迁移的信号是阳光的缩短而不是食物
Task 2
👉每日一题【16】之综合口语 Task 2 “No Introductory Science Requirement”
Task 3
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