10月写作新题范文: 该不该用AI帮助写作?

教育   2024-10-18 16:09   北京  

【托福真题不惑 52】 学术讨论写作  
题目来自2024.10.16线下托福原题👉10.16托福考情: 也是蹭上物理诺奖的热点了
Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.
In your response, you should do the following:
-Express and support your opinion.
-Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.
An effective response will contain at least 100 words.

Doctor Gupta
With rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, writers now have access to AI tools that can assist them in various aspects of the writing process, such as grammar correction and style enhancement. While some argue that these tools can improve the quality and efficiency of writing, others are concerned that relying on AI could diminish a writer’s originality or lead to unintentional plagiarism. What’s your opinion? Should writers use AI to assist them in writing? Why or why not?
I think AI is a useful tool for writers, especially when it comes to refining their work. AI can catch grammatical errors, suggest better wording, and help improve overall clarity. As long as it’s used to enhance writing rather than replace creativity, it can be a valuable resource for writers.

I’m against the idea of writers using AI because it can make them overly dependent on technology. If writers start relying too much on AI tools, they may lose their own unique voice or creativity. There’s also the risk of unintentional copying, which could harm the writer’s reputation and work quality.





共更新4篇10月全新子睿范文(RTT 49-52),均为重点考题




RTT 51 参考范文:

I believe AI can be a powerful tool for writers when used properly. As a person who writes on a daily basis, I always consider proofreading a heavy chore, and it sometimes even makes me less enthusiastic about my job. However, with AI auto-correction, I can focus more on the content I create rather than wasting a lot of time doing the spelling check. That doesn't make me any less original or creative; instead, it gives me more time to come up with new ideas or ways to express my thoughts. Sasa's concern about writers being too dependent on AI, from my perspective, is very unlikely to happen, as most writers know what they are doing and they would only accept suggestions from others when necessary. Since no AI tools have proven to be more creative than skilled human beings, worrying about people relying on something they see as an assistant is totally unnecessary. (Total words: 154 words; by Zirui Wang)



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