【Reading Month】从今天起,关心粮食和蔬菜!武汉爱莎阅读月活动,“阅”启未来

文摘   2024-11-12 10:43   湖北  





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If superheroes were real, what ethical guidelines should be followed?

How can modern agricultural technology help to increase food production while reducing the impact on the environment?

How can biodiversity be effectively protected while promoting economic development?

How to recognise fake news in an age of information explosion? 

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▲ ISA G9 Students' Posters 爱莎9年级学生原创画报

▲ ISA G10 Students' Newsletter 爱莎10年级学生原创新闻信

在过去为期一个月的“Reading Month”活动中,武汉爱莎全体师生围绕“超级英雄”、“世界粮食”、“生物多样性”和“全球媒体”等主题,通过制作视频、播客、海报、思维导图以及撰写书籍等创作方式,反思他们在阅读中收获的知识,以及了解到的世界。本次阅读月主题结合IB六大超学科主题中的“世界如何运作”以及“共享地球”等概念,鼓励学生通过动手实践,通过阅读的力量,启发改变未来的能力。

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During the past month of Reading Month, all students and teachers at ISA Wuhan reflected on what they had learnt from reading through the production of videos, podcasts, posters, mind maps and book writing on themes such as Superheroes, World Food Day, Biological Diversity and Global Media and Information Literacy , all students and teachers reflected on what they learnt from reading and what they have learnt about the world through the production of videos, podcasts, posters, mind maps and books. The theme of the month, which incorporates concepts such as ‘How the World Works’ and ‘Sharing the Planet’ from the IB programme's six cross-cutting themes, encourages hands-on learning and inspires students to make a difference in the future through the power of reading.

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▼ ISA G9 Students' Summative PPTs 


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On World Food Day on 16th October, students from ISA Wuhan School actively explored the issue of food production and famine that plagues many countries around the world. By reviewing literature, analysing data and making science posters, students comprehensively analysed the causes of famine and put forward a number of creative and feasible suggestions, such as They also put forward many creative and feasible suggestions, such as promoting water-saving irrigation techniques, improving crop resilience, and strengthening international food aid, and then extended them to the potential risks and challenges posed by the large-scale implementation of genetically modified foods to human health.

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▲ ISA G10 Students' Video piece 爱莎10年级学生自制视频

▲ ISA G10 Students' Posters 爱莎10年级学生原创画报

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G10 Student Work



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Similarly to the issue of biodiversity risk due to habitat loss, the students of  ISA Wuhan Secondary School explored the issue of food production and discussed and researched this global ecological crisis during the Reading Month.

Through independent research and thematic workshops, students learned that with the accelerated urbanisation, expansion of agricultural land and overexploitation of natural resources, the habitats of many species are being destroyed as never before. This phenomenon of habitat decline not only threatens the survival of wildlife, but also has far-reaching impacts on the balance and stability of the entire ecosystem.

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▲ ISA G9 Students' Video piece 爱莎9年级学生自制视频

“阅读月活动为我们全校学生都提供了一个自由发表声音的舞台,从小学部至高中部的学生,都可以从不同的背景、观点和角度,一起探讨关乎人类命运共同体的关键社会话题,进而学会从他人的建议和搜查的资料中,窥得真相以及寻找合作寻找解决方案。” 武汉爱莎阅读月中学部活动协调员Robert老师说。

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"The Reading Month programme provides a stage for all our students to express their voices freely. Students from Primary to Upper Secondary can explore key social topics concerning the community of human destiny from different backgrounds, viewpoints and perspectives, and then learn to learn from the advice of others and from searching for information, to get a glimpse of the truth as well as to look for co-operation in finding solutions. " said by Mr. Robert McKnight, the activity coordinator of the ISA Wenhua Wuhan Secondary.

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Does the fact that tigers have begun to frequent the north-eastern region of China mean that the ecology of the area has changed for the better? Can drinking milk whiten your skin because niacinamide is on the ingredient list? Faced with the problems of information overload, fake news and cultural bias on the Internet, the students of the Secondary Section also started to explore the topic of ‘Global Media and Information Media’.

They realised that in the age of information explosion, it is crucial to enhance their media and information literacy, which not only helps them to filter information effectively, but also enhances their tolerance and understanding of diverse cultures and perspectives, and to look at the world around them with a critical eye, laying a solid foundation for them to become active participants and builders of the future society.

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▲ ISA G10 Students' Video piece 爱莎10年级学生自制视频


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Take on the role of your favourite superhero and make them appear on the ISA campus! The children from ISA Wuhan Primary School and Secondary School celebrated the end of Reading Month with a themed costume day. The children not only showed their admiration and desire for superheroes in costume, but also planted a seed of bravery, wisdom and justice deep inside their hearts, inspiring them to pursue excellence and become the superheroes of their own hearts in their future learning lives.

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从明天起,做一个幸福的人,关心粮食和蔬菜…… 作为一所真正意义上的IB世界学校,武汉爱莎学校不仅倡导学生关注自然与生活的美好,更将IB全人培养目标融入日常教育的每一个细节,培养具有国际视野、创新精神和社会责任感的未来领导者。


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From tomorrow onwards, be a happy person, care about food and vegetables ...... As a truly IB World School, ISA Wuhan School not only advocates students to pay attention to the beauty of nature and life, but also integrates IB whole-person cultivation goals into every detail of daily education, cultivating international vision, innovative spirit and social responsibility of the We are committed to developing future leaders with an international outlook, a spirit of innovation and a sense of social responsibility.

The world is in your heart, and the future is in your hands! It is expected that the seeds sown at a young age will eventually take root in the heart of every ISA student and grow into a giant tree that will support a new world.

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