China’s High-Speed Railway Revolution: A Swiss Perspective

文摘   2024-06-28 16:55   上海  

China’s railways are saving the world — literally — with a revolutionary modal shift underway. Having opened the world’s first 350 km/h High-Speed line in 2008, China has grown into the world’s biggest HSR network, a genuine alternative to road and air transport and far greener as well. 

Join us for another edition of China Crossroads with David Feng. David is probably the most-traveled Swiss citizen on the Chinese railways and one of the most visible voices in the rail world, takes a look at the Chinese rail network, its connections to the world’s largest metro networks, plans for future growth, and how the railways of China now lead a mobility revolution felt locally and worldwide. 

This event is hosted by China Crossroads with the support and collaboration of Swissnex in China.


David Fend

Transnational Rail Specialist, Research Fellow, Union of Western and Eastern Education in Beijing

David Feng, a Swiss citizen with a Chinese Green Card, is one of the most globally visible and authoritative experts on railways, including metro and tram systems, especially in China, but also with an added focus on his native Switzerland. Globally, he has traveled over half a million kilometers on rail, metro, and tram networks across Europe, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. In addition to being an independent transnational rail specialist, he is also a research fellow of transnational rail transport and transnational sustainable infrastructure and urbanization development at the Beijing-based Union of Western and Eastern Education. His rail engagements also included improving the level of English for rail crew in China. To this end, he is part of a highly prestigious language committee of City Hall Beijing Foreign Office. Along with other top experts, he sets standards for public signage, including for the railways. He has been featured by media, both local and global, including Switzerland’s Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Deutsche Welle, the New York Times, BBC, and CNN, but also in China by Xinhua, and the national railway newspaper, People’s Railway Daily, as well as being on a Discovery Channel documentary, and keynoting TEDx. 

China Crossroads: 
China’s High-Speed Railway Revolution: A Swiss Perspective

July 8, 2024

19:30 - 21:00 China Time

Swissnex in China Office

22F, Building A

Far East International Plaza, 

319 XianXia Road, Shanghai

Cost: 150 RMB admission with drink

The first 5 registrations through Swissnex in China get free access!

China Crossroads hosts talks on all topics related to China, including business, foreign policy, and other areas as they relate to China, the idea being that China is both already a “crossroads” of the world and itself at a “crossroads” in terms of its future global influence. For more information, contact Frank Tsai at

瑞士是一个引领前沿科技、强调品质、并兼具创新性与开放性的国度,是唯一与中国建立创新型战略伙伴关系的国家。 瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心 swissnex China 致力于促进瑞中两国学术交流,推动创新项目合作,跨领域连结人才网络。