China Crossroads: University of Zurich Lecture Series

文摘   2024-03-20 15:36   上海  

We are delighted to invite you to the University of Zurich lecture series in April hosted by China Crossroads. Lena Kaufmann, an Anthropologist of China, Senior Researcher, and Lecturer at the University of Zurich, will delve into the rural aspects of migration and explore the knowledge and agency of farmers. Additionally, Daniel Kübler, Professor of Democracy and Public Governance and Co-Director of the Center for Democracy Studies, will share insights from the latest "World of Referendums" report and discuss the economic, societal, and political impact of direct democracy.


University of Zurich Lecture Series

Rural-Urban Migration 

and Agro-Technological Change 

in Post-Reform China

How do rural Chinese households deal with the conflicting pressures of migrating into cities to work as well as staying at home to preserve their fields? This is particularly challenging for rice farmers, because paddy fields have to be cultivated continuously to retain their soil quality and value. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork and written sources, this book talk describes farming households’ strategic solutions to this predicament. It shows how, in light of rural-urban migration and agro-technological change, they manage to sustain both migration and farming. It innovatively conceives rural households as part of a larger farming community of practice that spans both staying and migrating household members and their material world. Focusing on one exemplary resource – paddy fields – it argues that socio-technical resources are key factors in understanding migration flows and migrant-home relations. Overall, this talk provides rare insights into the rural side of migration and farmers’ knowledge and agency.


Lena Kaufmann

Anthropologist of China, Senior Researcher and Lecturer, University of Zurich 

Lena Kaufmann is Senior Researcher and Lecturer at the University of Zurich and an incoming SNSF Ambizione Fellow at the University of Fribourg. Trained as a Social Anthropologist and Sinologist in Berlin, Rome, and Shanghai, her research foci include migration, rural-urban relations, agro-technological transformation, as well as Swiss-Chinese entanglements in digital infrastructures. She is the author of Rural-Urban Migration and Agro-Technological Change in Post-Reform China (2021) and the spokesperson of the Regional Group China(s) of the German Anthropological Association.

China Crossroads: Rural-Urban Migration and Agro-Technological Change in Post-Reform China

April 1, 2024

19:30 - 21:00 China Time

Swissnex in China Office

22F, Building A

Far East International Plaza, 

319 XianXia Road, Shanghai

Cost: 150 RMB

The first 10 registrations through Swissnex in China get free access!


University of Zurich Lecture Series

The State of (Direct) Democracy Globally: 

A Perspective from Switzerland

Professor Kübler will share insights of the most recent World of Referendums report released by the Center for Democracy Studies at the University of Zurich in 2023, comment on the constantly high use of referendums in different countries across the world, and discuss the economic, societal and political impact of direct democracy by drawing on the example of Switzerland.


Daniel Kübler

Professor of Democracy and Public Governance, Co-Director of the Center for Democracy Studies, University of Zurich 

Daniel Kübler, born in 1969, is a Professor at the Department of Political Science and co-directs the Centre for Democracy Studies at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. He studied Political Science at the University of Lausanne, where he also obtained his PhD. He has held visiting positions at the University of Constance, the University of New South Wales, the University of Canberra, as well as at Sciences Po Paris. His research interests include direct democracy and citizen participation, local and urban politics and governance, as well as public policy analysis and evaluation.

China Crossroads: The State of (Direct) Democracy Globally: A Perspective from Switzerland

April 2, 2024

19:30 - 21:00 China Time

Swissnex in China Office

22F, Building A

Far East International Plaza, 

319 XianXia Road, Shanghai

Cost: 150 RMB

The first 10 registrations through Swissnex in China get free access!

China Crossroads hosts talks on all topics related to China, including business, foreign policy, and other areas as they relate to China, the idea being that China is both already a “crossroads” of the world and itself at a “crossroads” in terms of its future global influence. For more information, contact Frank Tsai at

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