大师沙龙报名 | 光的幸福力量:从研究到设计

文摘   2025-01-03 11:15   上海  


1月7日晚,瑞士科技文化中心(Swissnex in China)将携手上海创新创意设计研究院(Design Innovation Institute Shanghai,简称DIIS),展开一场关于光的多维度对话。在“光的幸福力量:从研究到设计”(The Power of Light: From Research to Design for Well-Being)这一场启发之旅中,我们将再次以跨界协作为核心,汇聚国际专家与设计先锋,探索光在科学与设计交汇中的无限潜能。我们诚邀您加入这一场科学与设计相融合的创新盛宴,感受光在未来世界中的深远意义。

 | 大师沙龙 Master Salon | 

01 / 07  周二 Tue.  19:00

( 18:30-19:00 入场 Registration )

¥ 49 (限量80张)

Limited to 80 tickets


We will prepare snacks & drinks


Scan to sign up
to get the Entry Code


Event Language: English

(AI translation tool supported)


 | 本期主题 | 


The Power of Light: From Research to Design for Well-Being 


Light is a fundamental force that sustains life on Earth, influencing everything from ecosystems to human physiology. The natural cycle of light and dark, dictated by the planet’s rotation, has shaped circadian rhythms—internal biological clocks that help organisms synchronize their behaviors and bodily functions with the time of day. For humans, exposure to natural light, particularly in terms of its intensity, timing, spectral composition, and direction, plays a critical role in regulating sleep, enhancing mood, strengthening immunity, and maintaining overall health. This intricate relationship between light and human neurophysiology underscores its profound impact on our daily lives and health.

在这一背景下,瑞士科技文化中心与DIIS诚邀您于1月7日晚参加活动 “光的幸福力量:从研究到设计”。本次活动将汇聚国际知名的日光研究专家、瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)综合性能设计实验室(LIPID)创始人兼负责人 Marilyne Andersen 教授和 Signify 中国设计团队负责人 Wessel Deurwaarder,共同探讨如何利用光的潜力创造更加健康和可持续的环境。

In this context, Swissnex in China and DIIS are delighted to invite you to “The Power of Light: From Research to Design for Well-Being” on the evening of January 7th. This engaging event will feature a lecture by Prof. Marilyne Andersen, a world-renowned expert in daylighting, the founder and head of the Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID) at EPFL. She will be joined by Wessel Deurwaarder, Head of the Signify China Design Team, a leading figure in lighting design and innovation. 

活动将以 Marilyne Andersen 教授的主题演讲 “光照卫生与室内生活方式的动态探讨” 开场,演讲内容将探索建筑和城市环境如何影响我们日常光照,进而对幸福与健康产生的影响。她将通过多维度的研究,强调在设计中平衡采光性能的挑战,并利用研究成果构建专家与实践者之间的循证对话。

The evening will begin with Prof. Andersen’s lecture, “On the dynamics of light hygiene and indoor lifestyles”, which explores different research directions looking at the impact of the architectural and urban environment we live in on our daily light exposure and, by extension, on our well-being and health. In doing so, it aims to highlight the challenge of reconciling the multiple dimensions of daylighting performance in the design context, and the opportunity of using research outcomes to build a well-informed, evidence-based dialogue between specialists and practitioners.

Marilyne Andersen 与 Wessel Deurwaarder 的对谈环节将探讨科学研究与实践设计的交叉点。他们将深入讨论如何通过对于光的创新性和严谨周全的整合设计,克服挑战并抓住机遇,为人类幸福创造可持续的环境。

This will be followed by a moderated dialogue between Prof. Andersen and Wessel Deurwaarder, exploring the intersection of scientific research and practical design. Together, they will discuss the opportunities and challenges of creating sustainable environments that prioritize human well-being through the thoughtful integration of light.


Join us for an inspiring evening at the crossroads of science, design, and innovation to reimagine the role of light in our lives.



Prof. Marilyne Andersen




Founder and Head of the Laboratory of 

Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID), EPFL

Marilyne Andersen 教授是瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)可持续建筑技术全职教授,同时也是综合性能设计实验室(LIPID)创始人兼负责人。她曾担任 EPFL 建筑、土木与环境工程学院(ENAC)院长,并担任 Smart Living Lab 的学术总监。加入 EPFL 之前,她曾在麻省理工学院(MIT)建筑与规划学院担任助理教授及副教授,并创立了 MIT 采光实验室。她的研究重点包括日光对建筑使用者的影响,如舒适度、感知、健康和能源等问题。Marilyne Andersen 教授发表了超过 200 篇论文,并曾荣获包括 2016 年首届“日光研究奖”在内的多项国际荣誉,同时也是采光性能咨询公司 OCULIGHT dynamics 的联合创始人。她还共同策展了 2023 年 EPFL 展览《Lighten Up! On Biology and Time》,聚焦艺术与时间生物学的交汇。

Professor Marilyne Andersen is a Full Professor of Sustainable Construction Technologies at École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the founder and head of the Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID). She served as the Dean of the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC) at EPFL and was the Academic Director of the Smart Living Lab in Fribourg. Prior to joining EPFL, Professor Andersen was an Assistant and then Associate Professor in the Building Technology Group at the MIT School of Architecture and Planning, where she also established the MIT Daylighting Lab. Her research focuses on the impact of daylight on building occupants, including comfort, perception, health, and energy considerations. She has published over 200 papers, received numerous honors including the Daylight Award for Research (as the inaugural laureate in 2016), and co-founded OCULIGHT dynamics, offering specialized consulting on daylight performance. Professor Andersen also co-curated the 2023 EPFL exhibition "Lighten Up! On Biology and Time" at the intersection of art and chronobiology.


Wessel Deurwaarder

Signify 中国设计团队负责人

Head of the Signify China design team

Wessel Deurwaarder 现任 Signify 中国设计团队负责人,管理大中华区及新兴市场的所有设计活动。他毕业于荷兰代尔夫特理工大学工业设计工程专业,拥有硕士学位。Wessel 的设计生涯始于 VanBerlo 设计公司,并于 2015 年加入土耳其 Arçelik 公司的内部设计团队,为 Grundig、Whirlpool 和 Beko 等品牌设计家电产品。2019 年,他加入 Signify 荷兰设计团队,负责飞利浦 Hue 智能照明品牌的产品设计,并于 2024 年调任上海。

Wessel Deurwaarder heads the Signify China design team, managing all design activities in greater China and growth markets. He graduated with a master's in Industrial Design Engineering from Delft University in the Netherlands in 2005. Wessel began his career as a product designer at VanBerlo Design Agency, which was later acquired by Accenture. In 2015, he moved to Istanbul to work for the in-house design team of Arçelik A.Ş., a multinational manufacturer of household appliances under the brands Grundig, Whirlpool and Beko. In 2019, he joined Signify's Netherlands design team and led the product design team for the connected lighting brand Philips Hue. He later transferred to Shanghai in 2024.

Wessel 在设计领域的热情为他赢得了 20 多项国际设计大奖,这些经验让他为中国市场的照明设计提供独特视角和指导方向。

Wessel's passion for design has earned him more than 20 international design awards, which now enable him to bring his expertise to his current role where he guides the direction of lighting design for China.



18:30-19:00 签到 Registration

19:00-19:10 开场致辞 Welcome Speech

Srini Srinivasan教授,DIIS 首席运营官

(Prof. Srini Srinivasan, Chief Operating Officer, DIIS)

Philippe Roesle,瑞士科技文化中心CEO|领事

(Philippe Roesle,CEO, Swissnex in China I Consul)

19:10-19:40 主题演讲:光照卫生与室内生活方式的动态探讨

 Lecture: On the dynamics of light hygiene and indoor lifestyles

Marilyne Andersen教授,瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院(EPFL)综合性能设计实验室(LIPID)创始人兼负责人

(Prof. Marilyne AndersenFounder and Head of the Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID), EPFL)

19:40-20:10 对谈:科学与设计的交融

Dialogue between Marilyne Andersen and Wessel Deurwaarder

对谈嘉宾:Wessel Deurwaarder,昕诺飞(中国)设计总监

(Guest: Wessel Deurwaarder, Head of Design for China, Signify)


(Moderator: Jie Zhang, Director of Strategy Development & Incubation, DIIS)

20:10-20:30 观众问答 Q&A

20:30-21:00 自由交流 Networking


¥ 49 (限量80张)

Limited to 80 tickets


We will prepare snacks & drinks


Scan to sign up
to get the Entry Code


Event Language: English

(AI translation tool supported)



  虹口区东长治路505号  上海创新创意设计研究院 1楼大厅左转 103室


Room 103,Left side of 1F, Design Innovation Institute Shanghai, No. 505 East Changzhi Rd., Hongkou. 


丨关于 ABOUT Swissnex丨

瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心(Swissnex in China)是联结瑞士、中国和世界的桥梁,通过强大的当地关系网络和前沿的创新环境,推动中瑞两国在教育科研和创新领域的合作。我们的使命是支持合作伙伴在全球范围内展开知识、理念和人才的交流,并致力于加强瑞士作为全球领先创新国家的形象。瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心由瑞士联邦教育、科研与创新国 务秘书处发起,是瑞士联邦外交部直属管辖的驻外机构之一。全球分支遍布于中国、巴西、美国波士顿和旧金山、日本以及印度六个最具创新力地区,并与全球瑞士联邦驻外大使馆科技处密切合作。



上海创新创意设计研究院(Design Innovation Institute Shanghai,简称DIIS)是一所致力于创造具有世界一流水平的设计创新及其转化的新型非营利高端科研机构。“设计寰宇”作为研究院旗下的多元生态平台,在世界挑战重重的2021年应运而生。以“人类命运共同体”的时代挑战为己任,通过科技、商业和创意三大引擎加持,“设计寰宇”将创造、集聚与激活一个设计创新的生态系统,催化从创新创意到落地实践的全链路变革。

瑞士是一个引领前沿科技、强调品质、并兼具创新性与开放性的国度,是唯一与中国建立创新型战略伙伴关系的国家。 瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心 swissnex China 致力于促进瑞中两国学术交流,推动创新项目合作,跨领域连结人才网络。