Florida State University
相关导师:Bryan J. Cuevas,John F. Priest ProfessorOf ReligionE
研究领域: Tibetan History and Biography Before 1800; Buddhist Narrative Literature; Buddhist ritual magic and sorcery
联系方式: bcuevas@fsu.edu
相关导师:Jimmy Yu, Sheng Yen Professor of Chinese Buddhism
研究领域: Chinese Buddhist History 1100-1800; Chan/Zen Studies; Bodily Rituals
联系方式: jyu2@fsu.edu
相关导师:Ian MacCormack, Assistant Professor of Religion
研究领域: His research centers on the cosmopolitan intellectual and social environment of early modern Tibet, especially the role of Buddhist thought and practice. His broader research agenda extends these studies of Buddhism in the early modern Tibetan state, especially with respect to topics such as literature and ritual. He is also researching related topics such as the literary and social dimensions of speechmaking in Tibetan Buddhism.
联系方式: im24@fsu.edu
相关导师:Elizabeth A. Cecil, Timothy Gannon Associate Professor of Religion
研究领域: Sanskrit Narrative Literature; Epigraphy and Material Texts; Hindu Iconography & Temple Architecture
联系方式: eacecil@fsu.edu