回顾|2024 ESPANYOL 1900

文摘   体育   2024-12-10 17:00   上海  


ESPANYOL 1900皇家西班牙人国际锦标赛于3月29~31日在巴塞罗那圆满举办。皇家西班牙人上海学院组队远赴西班牙,参加了本次锦标赛之旅。

ESPANYOL 1900锦标赛U10组别共有24支队伍参赛:其中有中国上海美国新泽西日本埼玉芬兰赫尔辛基伊拉克巴格达,以及西班牙本土的来自6不同国家的皇家西班牙人国际学院队伍,及邀请的12支巴塞罗那当地的俱乐部青训队伍一同参赛。

The ESPANYOL 1900 Tournament was held in Barcelona on March 29~31, and the RCD Espanyol Academy Shanghai formed a team to Spain to participate in this tournament. 

In the U10 category of the ESPANYOL 1900 Tournament, there were a total of 24 teams competing, including teams from Shanghai China, New Jersey USA, Saitama Japan, Helsinki Finland, Baghdad Iraq, and Barcelona Spain total 6 RCD Espanyol international academy teams from different countries , and 12 local club youth teams from Barcelona were also invited to participate in the tournament.

此行,皇家西班牙人上海学院的小队员们与来自巴塞罗那当地的SANT GABTIEL俱乐部BLANCA SUBUR俱乐部CS ACADEMY的U10青训队进行了小组赛激烈的比拼;并在淘汰赛阶段分别与西班牙的HOSPITALET学院CASTELLDEFELS学院、以及来自伊拉克的巴格达学院进行了精彩的角逐,最终皇家西班牙人上海学院的小队员们在ESPANYOL 1900国际锦标赛中获得了盘组(第二级别)亚军。

During their trip, the youth team from the RCD Espanyol Academy Shanghai faced intense group stage matches against U10 youth teams from the SANT GABRIEL and BLANCA SUBUR clubs, and the CS ACADEMY, all local to Barcelona. In the knockout stage, they competed fiercely against teams from HOSPITALET Academy and CASTELLDEFELS Academy in Spain, as well as the team from Baghdad Academy in Iraq. Ultimately, the young players of the RCD Espanyol Academy Shanghai were honored as the second-place winners of the Second Devison in the ESPANYOL 1900 Tournament .

西班牙人上海学院 @ RCDE 1900 收获银杯!


The experience of traveling to Barcelona for the competition has left many moments lingering in our minds, cherished in conversations, making it an unforgettable experience for everyone.



The moment they step onto the field, they are an independent player.



When young players enter the pitch area, they independently follow their team and coach into the locker room, where they change into their cleats, organize their clothing and equipment, and then go together to the playing field to warm up. 

The Espanyol training base, Dani Jarque Facility, advocates for environmental protection and the reduction of plastic waste. Therefore, for this cup tournament, 1900 commemorative water bottles were distributed. Each player can use these water bottles to fill up at the drinking water facility near the locker room.



Sweaty and intense confrontations, passionate and unrestrained players.

“你要闻到对手身上的味道”,用这句话来形容ESPANYOL 1900锦标赛的对抗程度很形象。我们在小组赛阶段,与巴塞罗那当地队伍的三场比赛对抗尤为激烈。

"You need to smell the scent of the opponent" - this phrase vividly describes the level of competition at the ESPANYOL 1900 Tournament. The three group stage matches against local Barcelona teams were particularly fierce.



A second slower and you'll be surrounded!

The smaller the opponent, the stronger the confrontation!


When you possess the ball, your opponent will rapidly close in on you, invading your space. Every team's play style is centered around efficient passing and coordination, thus increasing the number of touches and time each player from both teams has with the ball. Both offensive and defensive technical maneuvers are fully tested and honed, with players showcasing their skills in the blink of an eye!



Passionate celebratory sprints, clear and sincere eyes!

在ESPANYOL 1900锦标赛期间,有那么一些瞬间让我们颇有感触。


During the 1900 Tournament, there were moments that touched us deeply. 

A young Spanish player, after a few short passes with his teammates, scored a goal, and in an instant, the pitch erupted! At that moment, all his teammates sprinted towards the scorer, who ran to the corner flag and leapt up, punching the air, then, engulfed and embraced by his teammates, pointed both hands towards the sky. The spectators on site were also boiling over with excitement, clapping and cheering in rhythm together!


Infected by the intense atmosphere of the competition, our players also started to run wildly across the field in celebration after scoring a goal. Happiness really is contagious. The Spanish referee presiding over the game, seeing such passionate children from China, also revealed a knowing smile and was happy for them.





After each game, our players would look at their opponents sincerely, naturally reaching out to shake hands, hug, or pat each other on the shoulder. 

We can deeply feel that these 10-year-old children, after competing against each other in the game, have a recognition and respect for one another. The clarity in their eye-to-eye contact and the sincerity in their heart-to-heart gestures overflow between them at this moment, creating a strong contrast to the fierce physical confrontations they had just experienced. This is the meaning of football!


No one deliberately guided or taught them to do this; it's a natural course of action, and the children have their own feelings and ways of expressing themselves!



The stands are very important, the atmosphere is especially good!


In most stadiums in Spain, there are stands, and this goes without saying for the Dani Jarque Facility, where every pitch is equipped with comfortable, spacious, and segmented stands. The environment influences behavior, and it must be said that with the existence of stands, the atmosphere for watching games becomes particularly good. Moreover, the parents and fans in Spain are especially enthusiastic and unrestrained, with rhythmic cheering and singing together. The parents from Shanghai who came over quickly blended into the local fan atmosphere, with applause and cheers rising and falling, making the entire atmosphere particularly relaxed and enjoyable.


Perhaps distance does create beauty. When you comfortably sit in the stands and watch your child's performance with a relaxed mindset, everything seems so wonderful even if they make mistakes. But isn't that precisely the opportunity for them to learn and rise from their errors?



The first-team football stars, as kind as an older brother.



On the first afternoon upon arriving at the Dani Jarque training facility, our young players started with a 90-minute adaptation training session. After the session, RCD Espanyol arranged for everyone to visit the first-team players. 

The children were all very excited. During a break between training drills, the first-team players came over to warmly interact and take pictures with the kids. Puado, like a big brother, took the time to sign autographs and take pictures with each of the young players. Even when the coach urged them to get back to the group, he patiently signed the last young player's autograph before rushing back to continue training. At the end of the entire session, the first-team head coach generously interacted, took photos with everyone, and shared a great experience, making it feel like a warm return to the big Espanyol family!






Visit the advanced RCDE Stadium and witness the club's nearly 124 years of history.

皇家西班牙人足球俱乐部(RCD Espanyol)成立于1900年10月28日,作为当时西班牙第一支由西班牙本国人组建的足球队,故以“西班牙人”命名,距今已经经历了近124年的发展历程。

RCD Espanyol, was founded on October 28, 1900. It was the first football team in Spain to be composed of Spanish nationals at the time, hence it was named "Espanyol". It has now gone through nearly 124 years of development.


The RCDE Stadium tour begins with entry from the Sports City gate, where a grand and modern stadium comes into view. Then, guided along the way, visitors explore the historical museum, media press room, player dressing rooms, and finally walk through the player tunnel to reach the pitch. Throughout this experience, everyone gains an understanding of the club's long history, gets a feel for the preparations professional players make before a game, the setting for post-match interviews, and stands from the players' perspective to appreciate the vast expanse of the entire stadium.




难忘的ESPANYOL 1900锦标赛之旅!



In the spring of 2024, an unforgettable journey to the ESPANYOL 1900 Tournament! 

Barcelona, looking forward to our next reunion!

Uno, dos, tres, ESPANYOL!




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