一分钟英语:Turn the Tables

文摘   2024-10-20 12:01   泰国  

Welcome to English in a Minute!
We eat our dinner on dining tables.
We put our coffee on coffee tables.

Turn the Tables 转弱为强,转败为胜

Jonathan: How is your friend Amanda doing?
Anna: Great, now.
Jonathan: What do you mean "now"?
Anna: Well, last year a senior colleague tried to get her fired.
Jonathan: What happened?
Anna: She turned the tables on him. Now, she is his boss.

To "turn the tables" means to reverse a situation to gain an advantage.
Some say this expression comes from playing board games.
Centuries ago, if you were losing a game, you could turn the table or board game to switch your position with your opponent.
And taht's English in a Minute!

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