四六级翻译 | 中国结

教育   2024-11-25 17:54   英国  


Chinese knots are a traditional handicraft made primarily with red cords, forming symmetrical patterns through intricate weaving techniques. Symbolizing good fortune and happiness, Chinese knots are widely used for decorations and gifts, especially during traditional festivals like the Spring Festival. Popular designs include the Double Happiness Knot, the Peace Knot, and the Prosperity Knot, each carrying unique meanings. The red color of Chinese knots signifies joy and blessings, making them a popular home decoration or gift to friends and family to convey good wishes. In recent years, modern design elements have been incorporated into Chinese knots, drawing the attention of younger generations and making them a symbol of the fusion between tradition and modernity.


  • handicraft (n.) 手工艺品
    Chinese knots are a traditional handicraft.

  • intricate (adj.) 复杂的
    Forming symmetrical patterns through intricate weaving techniques.

  • symbolize (v.) 象征
    Chinese knots symbolize good fortune and happiness.

  • blessing (n.) 祝福
    The red color of Chinese knots signifies joy and blessings.

  • fusion (n.) 融合
    Becoming a symbol of the fusion between tradition and modernity.


  • Symbolize ...
    Chinese knots symbolize good fortune and happiness and are widely used for decorations.

  • be incorporated into ...
    Modern design elements have been incorporated into Chinese knots.

  • draw the attention of ...
    Drawing the attention of younger generations.


  1. 传统与象征:翻译中突出中国结的文化象征意义,用“symbolizing good fortune and happiness”准确表达其寓意。

  2. 图案描述:翻译具体结形及其寓意时,用“Double Happiness Knot, Peace Knot” 等名称准确传递文化特色。

  3. 现代与融合:关注中国结在现代语境中的发展,用“fusion between tradition and modernity”体现传统手工艺与现代设计的结合。

  4. 节庆应用:强调中国结在春节等场合的装饰作用,用“widely used during traditional festivals”展现其文化场景。

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语音单词:美音发音视频教程 英音发音视频教程 & 名师课堂100集 & 美音教程
新闻英语:VOA标准 & VOA慢速 & BBC新闻 & BBC地道英语
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