四六级翻译 | 丝竹乐

教育   2024-11-23 06:06   英国  


Sizhu music is an essential part of traditional Chinese music, primarily performed using string instruments and bamboo wind instruments, hence the name "Sizhu." This type of music is known for its graceful, delicate, and smooth style, often played at family gatherings, festive celebrations, and literary salons. Representative instruments of Sizhu music include the guzheng, pipa, erhu, flute, and xiao. Performances usually emphasize melodic harmony and emotional expression. Sizhu music is not only an embodiment of musical art but also a symbol of elegance and tranquility in Chinese culture. It reflects the Chinese people's pursuit of beauty in life and their aspiration for harmony with nature.


  • essential (adj.) 必不可少的
    Sizhu music is an essential part of traditional Chinese music.

  • graceful (adj.) 优美的
    Sizhu music is known for its graceful, delicate, and smooth style.

  • representative (adj.) 代表性的
    Representative instruments of Sizhu music include the guzheng and pipa.

  • melodic harmony (n.) 旋律的和谐
    Performances usually emphasize melodic harmony and emotional expression.

  • aspiration (n.) 渴望,向往
    It reflects the Chinese people's aspiration for harmony with nature.


  • be known for ...
    Sizhu music is known for its graceful, delicate, and smooth style.

  • not only ... but also ...
    Sizhu music is not only an embodiment of musical art but also a symbol of Chinese culture.

  • reflect ...
    It reflects the Chinese people's pursuit of beauty in life.


  1. 名称与来源:译文需准确传达“丝竹”名称的由来,用“string instruments and bamboo wind instruments”清晰表达乐器分类。

  2. 风格与场合:描述丝竹乐的风格时,重点使用“graceful, delicate, and smooth”凸显其优雅特质,并提及常见的演奏场合,如“family gatherings”与“literary salons”。

  3. 文化象征与意义:丝竹乐作为中国传统文化的符号,用“symbol of elegance and tranquility”体现其文化内涵,并以“harmony with nature”升华主题。

  4. 乐器种类与旋律特点:准确列出代表乐器(如guzheng, pipa, flute),强调演奏时对旋律和谐与情感表达的重视。

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新闻英语:VOA标准 & VOA慢速 & BBC新闻 & BBC地道英语
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