
文摘   2024-05-10 11:04   美国  


Neuregulin 1-ErbB4 signaling for dynamic regulation of behavioral states by controlling GABAergic transmission 


The brain contains billions of nerve cells, or neurons, which receive and integrate signals from the environment and govern the body’s responses. There are two main types of neurons: excitatory (also called projection or pyramidal) neurons that use glutamate as neurotransmitter and inhibitory interneurons (INs) that release GABA. Comprising only 15% of total neurons in the brain, interneurons control the excitability of projection neurons by increasing the computational power of cortical networks and synchronize both local and distant cortical circuits that are key to oscillatory activity. Disruptions of GABA signaling have been implicated in brain disorders including major depression and schizophrenia. We have demonstrated that NRG1 and its receptor ErbB4 are critical to GABA activity in the brain. NRG1 is produced by pyramidal neurons in an activity-dependent manner. It binds to ErbB4 in interneurons to promote GABA release, and consequently controls the firing of pyramidal neurons. By studying chemical-genetic mutant mice where ErbB4 could be specifically inhibited, we demonstrate that the kinase activity of ErbB4 is acutely involved in cognition and attention and the switch of different behavioral states.  These results indicate that NRG1 and ErbB4 are critical to brain functions. Noticeably, both NRG1 and ErbB4 are risk genes of major depression disorders and schizophrenia. Our research has provided insight into pathophysiological mechanisms of devastating brain disorders.


2024年5月15日,6:00 – 8:00 PM (EDT)


Yawkey Building 306&307, 99 Jimmy Fund Way, Boston, MA 02115

(Pizza will be served)


Website: http://www.hms-cssa.org

微信公众号: hmscssa


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