
学术   2024-10-14 21:06   河南  

70岁患者,锁骨骨折保守治疗后两个月,骨折端明显畸形,但患者没有疼痛等其他任何不适,上肢功能满意:Treat the patient, not the X-rays!

This patient is in her 70’s. She’s 2 months post injury and sent in for surgical consultation. She has an obvious deformity. But she has no pain with palpation of the fracture site, and near full range of motion. No real complaints. Surgery will not improve her function (since she’s already doing so well!).Treat the patient, not the X-rays.

西医骨科200年在这里如关东大汉,铜琵琶,铁绰板,唱大江东去!!! 留学哈佛,游历欧美,分享西方世界名医大家经典视频,仅限于同行自学,请勿用于商业目的。