
文摘   科学   2024-07-30 15:02   贵州  



   为了准确地进行水和溶质的输送, 需要花费大量时间来理解和描述优先流路的增长和演变。传统模型需要改进来捕捉优先流的复杂和非线性行为。选取4块120 cm×120 cm样地, 对4块样地进行染料示踪实验, 以确认溶质和水的优选流动模式。数据已在Origin Lab中进行分析, 以创建3D图表, 并使用Sketchup-2021 Pro向每个绘图提供0.50 L亮蓝溶液(5 g/L)。每个地块包含3个垂直的土壤剖面, 每个剖面深150 cm, 并且剖面墙经过广泛的刀具准备。将亮蓝留在表面24 h以渗透到土壤表面。


   To analyze characteristic behavior and the three-dimensional path of preferential flow, it was decided to conduct our research trials on Adaptive Research Farm Sheikhupura Pakistan. (Located at Sarwar Shaheed Road Civil Lines, Sheikhupura, Punjab, Pakistan) (E 73° 29′ 7.12″, N 31° 34′ 15.24″). Two compaction trials were conducted to study the three-dimensional dynamics of soil solute transport and water flow. Then we analyzed all the pictures using Origin Lab, Sketchup 2021, and Image-Pro Plus 6.0 and established a three-dimensional model of the water and solute flow in the soil. The compaction trials were conducted on well-structured clay soil (45-54 percent clay) at the Adaptive Research Farm Sheikhupura, Punjab, Pakistan (Upper and Lower, roughly 500 m apart).


In conclusion, this study has successfully unraveled the intricate nature of preferential flow within soil, shedding light on the emergence of distinct flow paths. Through meticulous three-dimensional analyses, a comprehensive comprehension of these preferential flow patterns has been achieved. By employing advanced techniques encompassing soil sampling, chemical analysis, and image analysis software, water and dye movement in the soil have been effectively visualized.

The obtained imagery and data have been instrumental in identifying and quantifying preferential flow pathways, discerning between dye-stained segments and unstained regions. Exploring diverse infiltration conditions, we investigated the interplay between infiltration quantities and preferential flow path attributes. Notably, we established a direct correlation between infiltration rates and both dye penetration depth and the number of preferential flow paths.

This study unveiled a nuanced distribution of preferential flow channels across varying soil depths and infiltration intensities. Evident at smaller scales and shallower soil strata, preferential flow showcased localized and uneven characteristics. In contrast, as scale increased and soil depth augmented, preferential flow exhibited a more organized and structured demeanor, guided by larger soil structures.

Moreover, this investigation into compaction's influence on soil pore structure and transport characteristics highlighted a reduction in large mesopore percentage. This, in turn, adversely impacted soil hydraulic conductivity and air permeability. These insights into the impact of compaction broaden our comprehension of preferential flow dynamics.

By synthesizing these findings, this study enriches the realm of soil hydrology. The unraveling of key characteristics, coupled with a nuanced grasp of three-dimensional flow patterns and spatial distribution, holds profound implications for water movement within agricultural systems. Through addressing intricate scientific queries, this research advances our knowledge of soil hydrology, paving the way for informed strategies in managing water movement in agricultural contexts.

   Pattern of four plots for dye tracing tests

Downward movement 3D structure of preferential flow inside the soil

Downward movement 3D structure of preferential flow inside the soil

Pattern of preferential flow of water in 04 plots after 24 h


MUHAMMAD Atif, NIU Jianzhi, MUHAMMAD Haris, MALIK Zoha. Three-dimensional structure of preferential flow and its influencing factors in the agricultural area of Sheikhupura, Pakistan[J]. Science of Soil and Water Conservation, 2024, 22(3): 20-27. DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2023111.

MUHAMMADAtif, 牛健植, MUHAMMADHaris, MALIKZoha. 巴基斯坦谢胡普拉农业区优先流三维结构及其影响因素[J]. 中国水土保持科学, 2024, 22(3): 20-27. DOI: 10.16843/j.sswc.2023111.


Three-dimensional structure of preferential flow and its influencing factors in Agricultural area of Sheikhupura, Pakistan.


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