英国皇家化学会旗下可持续化学期刊 RSC Sustainability 于近期推出专题合辑《化工行业的可持续发展视角》(Industrial Perspectives),投稿开放至 2025 年 8 月 15 日。
开放投稿截至 2025 年 8 月 15 日
您可以通过投稿系统(https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/rscsus)向本专题合辑投稿,并在投稿系统中的“note to the editor”说明您是向本专题合辑投稿。
This themed collection will accept Perspective articles. Perspective articles can be written through the lens of an individual or company on a topic of interest to the readership of the journal. Primary research papers are not within the scope of this collection, but we welcome primary research to the journal outside of this themed collection.
Perspectives on any topic relating to the relationship between chemical industry and Sustainable and Green Chemistry are welcome.
To have your Perspective considered for this collection, indicate the collection title and shortcode, SUIndPer24, on the online submission form.
RSC Sustainability
2-年影响因子* | 新刊暂无分 |
5-年影响因子* | 新刊暂无分 |
JCR 分区* | 新刊暂无 |
CiteScore 分† | 新刊暂无分 |
中位一审周期‡ | 31.5 天 |
RSC Sustainability 是一本发文范围广阔的跨学科期刊,欢迎可持续相关研究领域的各类别研究,致力于帮助解决可持续发展发面的各种科学与技术问题,更好地实现人类的绿色未来。RSC Sustainability 于 2022 年 8 月开放投稿。作为一本金色开放获取的新刊,全球读者都可以免费获取该刊所发表论文的全文,同时该刊直到 2025 年年中免收开放获取论文发表费用 (APC)。
Tom Welton
🇬🇧 伦敦帝国理工学院
Associate editors
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