
文摘   2024-07-22 19:31   瑞士  

面对来自民主党党内日益加剧的压力,美国总统拜登终于宣布放弃参与2024年的总统连任竞选,此举迅速吸引了全球媒体的广泛聚焦。英国知名小报《太阳报》不失时机地发挥创意,以拜登的名字玩起了谐音游戏:“Joe Bye-Den”,巧妙地映射了这一决定。



Joe Biden has withdrawn from his presidential re-election race and endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris to take his place at the top of their party’s ticket, an extraordinary decision upending American politics that plunges the Democratic nomination into uncertainty just months before the November election against Donald Trump – a candidate Biden has warned is an existential threat to US democracy.

“While it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term,” Biden said in a letter announcing his decision.

Biden thanked Harris in his letter and later endorsed her as the Democratic nominee for president in a tweet. He said he planned to speak to the nation in more detail later this week.

“Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year,” he said. “Democrats – it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”

Biden made the stunning announcement after a weeks-long pressure campaign by Democratic leaders, organizers and donors who increasingly saw no path to victory so long as the embattled incumbent remained on the ticket. More than 30 Democratic members of Congress had called on Biden to step aside.

As recently as Friday, his campaign had insisted he was staying in the race. An ABC News/Ipsos poll released on Sunday found that 60% of Democrats believed he should end his run. The same poll found that nearly 76% of Democrats would be satisfied with Harris as the nominee.

Biden’s decision to withdraw appears to have been abrupt. The president reportedly told his senior staff on Sunday afternoon that he had changed his mind about staying in the race, and campaign officials were still reportedly on the phone with delegates asking if they could count on their support.

In a post on Truth Social, Trump said Biden “was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve – And never was!”

Minutes after Sunday’s announcement, Trump told CNN that he believed it would be easier to defeat Harris than it would have been to beat Biden.

As the party considered the path forward, prominent figures in the party expressed their admiration for Biden on Sunday, reflecting on his presidency and his decision to forgo seeking another term. Some followed Biden’s lead and endorsed Harris, while others said they favored an open nominating process.

Obama, who stopped short of endorsing Harris, said Democrats would be navigating “uncharted waters in the days ahead”. He added: “But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”

Biden’s decision to step aside, though remain as president, caps a singular few weeks in American politics, the latest stunning episode in an unusually tumultuous election season.

Trump, the former president and Republican nominee, narrowly survived an attempt on his life during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania that bloodied his ear and left one spectator dead. Biden, after appealing for calm in the wake of attack, had returned to the campaign trail last week determined to salvage his candidacy and once again prove his doubters wrong.

The president’s withdrawal pushes the Democratic party into largely uncharted waters, with its national convention scheduled to begin on 19 August in Chicago. The nominee will also have a tight window to choose a running mate to take on Trump and Vance. It is not clear how Democrats will choose a new ticket.

Harris, 59, has the largest national profile of any Democratic candidate, and delegates may view her as the safest option. Campaign finance experts also say that Harris would have the most straightforward legal argument to keep the Biden campaign’s fundraising haul, while another nominee might have to forfeit that money. As of late May, the Biden campaign had $91.6m in cash on hand.




Joe Biden has withdrawn from his presidential re-election race and endorsed Vice-President Kamala Harris to take his place at the top of their party’s ticket, an extraordinary decision upending American politics that plunges the Democratic nomination into uncertainty just months before the November election against Donald Trump – a candidate Biden has warned is an existential threat to US democracy.

乔·拜登已退出总统连任竞选,并提名副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯接替他成为民主党候选人。这一非比寻常的决定颠覆了美国政坛。在距离 11 月与唐纳德·特朗普 (Donald Trump) 的竞选对决仅几个月的时间里,民主党提名工作陷入了不确定的境地——拜登曾警告称特朗普对美国民主构成了威胁。


  • ticket n.(选举中某政党的)候选人名单

  • upend v. 使颠倒;倒放

  • plunge v.(使)(某人或某物)骤然移动,骤然下降


“While it has been my intention to seek re-election, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as president for the remainder of my term,” Biden said in a letter announcing his decision.



  • remainder n. 剩余部分;其余;剩余物

  • in the best interest of 符合......的最佳利益


Biden thanked Harris in his letter and later endorsed her as the Democratic nominee for president in a tweet. He said he planned to speak to the nation in more detail later this week.

“Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year,” he said. “Democrats – it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”




  • endorse v. (公开)赞同,认可,支持

  • endorsement n. 支持,认可,背书


Biden made the stunning announcement after a weeks-long pressure campaign by Democratic leaders, organizers and donors who increasingly saw no path to victory so long as the embattled incumbent remained on the ticket. More than 30 Democratic members of Congress had called on Biden to step aside.

拜登的退选声明是在民主党领导人、组织者和捐助者长达数周的施压之后做出的,拜登作为候选人处境艰难,他们难以看到他作为候选人获胜的可能性。超过 30 名民主党国会议员呼吁拜登退选。


  • incumbent adj. 现任的;在职的

  • embattled:处境艰难的;问题重重的

  • path to:通往……的道路

  •  step aside:让位;退位


As recently as Friday, his campaign had insisted he was staying in the race. An ABC News / Ipsos poll released on Sunday found that 60% of Democrats believed he should end his run. The same poll found that nearly 76% of Democrats would be satisfied with Harris as the nominee.

就在上周五,他的竞选团队还坚称他将继续竞选。美国广播公司新闻频道/益普索(ABC News/Ipsos)周日发布的一项民意调查发现,60% 的民主党人认为他应该结束竞选。同一项民意调查还发现,近 76% 的民主党人对哈里斯成为候选人表示满意。


  • campaign n. (尤指政治、商业或军事的)专项活动,运动

  • poll n. 民意测验,民意调查


Biden’s decision to withdraw appears to have been abrupt. The president reportedly told his senior staff on Sunday afternoon that he had changed his mind about staying in the race, and campaign officials were still reportedly on the phone with delegates asking if they could count on their support.



  • withdraw v. 退出;撤回;撤离

  • abrupt adj. 突然的;意外的

  • delegate n. 代表


In a post on Truth Social, Trump said Biden “was not fit to run for President, and is certainly not fit to serve – And never was!”

特朗普在其自创的社交媒体平台“真相社交”(Truth Social)上发文称,拜登“不适合竞选总统,也肯定不会称职——而且从来不称职!”


Minutes after Sunday’s announcement, Trump told CNN that he believed it would be easier to defeat Harris than it would have been to beat Biden.



As the party considered the path forward, prominent figures in the party expressed their admiration for Biden on Sunday, reflecting on his presidency and his decision to forgo seeking another term. Some followed Biden’s lead and endorsed Harris, while others said they favored an open nominating process.



  • prominent figure 知名人士;重要人士

  • reflect on:仔细思考; 表达(意见)

  • forgo v. 放弃,摒绝(令人愉悦之物)


Obama, who stopped short of endorsing Harris, said Democrats would be navigating “uncharted waters in the days ahead”. He added: “But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”



  • stopped short of 决定不做


Biden’s decision to step aside, though remain as president, caps a singular few weeks in American politics, the latest stunning episode in an unusually tumultuous election season.



  • tumultuous adj. 吵闹的,喧哗的;骚乱的,混乱的


Trump, the former president and Republican nominee, narrowly survived an attempt on his life during a campaign rally in Pennsylvania that bloodied his ear and left one spectator dead. Biden, after appealing for calm in the wake of attack, had returned to the campaign trail last week determined to salvage his candidacy and once again prove his doubters wrong.



  • narrowly survived an attempt on one's life 险些丧命

  • bloody v. 使…流血

  • salvage v. 挽救,挽回

  • candidacy n. 候选人资格(或身份)


The president’s withdrawal pushes the Democratic party into largely uncharted waters, with its national convention scheduled to begin on 19 August in Chicago. The nominee will also have a tight window to choose a running mate to take on Trump and Vance. It is not clear how Democrats will choose a new ticket.

总统的退选使民主党陷入了一片未知的水域,其全国代表大会定于 8 月 19 日在芝加哥举行。候选人要在非常紧张的时间窗口内选出竞选伙伴来对抗特朗普和万斯。目前尚不清楚民主党将如何选择新的候选人。


  • uncharted waters n. 未知水域

  • a running mate n. (美国政治选举中的)竞选伙伴


Harris, 59, has the largest national profile of any Democratic candidate, and delegates may view her as the safest option. Campaign finance experts also say that Harris would have the most straightforward legal argument to keep the Biden campaign’s fundraising haul, while another nominee might have to forfeit that money. As of late May, the Biden campaign had $91.6m in cash on hand.

现年 59 岁的哈里斯在全国民主党候选人中知名度最高,代表们可能会认为她是最安全的选择。竞选财务专家也表示,哈里斯将拥有最直接的法律论据来保留拜登竞选活动的筹款收获,而其他候选人则可能不得不放弃这笔钱。截至 5 月底,拜登竞选团队共持有为 9160 万美元现金。


  • forfeit v. (因违规而)丧失,被没收

  • as of 在......时

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