
文摘   2024-07-05 18:44   广东  

当地时间7月5日,根据计票结果,执政党保守党( The Conservative and Unionist Party, commonly the Conservative Party and colloquially known as the Tories)遭遇滑铁卢(Waterloo)反对党工党(Labour Party)在议会下院选举中赢得超过半数席位(more than half of the seats),获得选举胜利。工党党首基尔·斯塔默(Keir Starmer)将出任新一任英国首相并组建政府,这是英国在8年间迎来的第6任首相。




如果说苏纳克走的是精英路线,那么斯塔默可以说是“草根”出身(grass roots)



  • 2008年,斯塔默被任命为英国皇家检察署署长,领导该机构及其数千名职员。

  • 2014年,因对刑事司法作出的贡献,斯塔默被授予爵士头衔(was knighted)

  • 2015年,进入英国议会(The Parliament of United Kingdom);次年担任当时工党领袖科尔宾手下的影子脱欧事务大臣;

  • 2020年4月,当选工党党魁,是工党首位在当选党魁前就已经获得爵士头衔的领导人。





有媒体称,其实选民们也没有那么信任斯塔默及其领导下的工党,更多的是想“惩罚”已经执政了14年的保守党。在后者执政期间,英国已经在4年间换了3任首相,陷入了一段“政治动荡期(years of political chaos under the Conservatives)”。

虽然斯塔默即将带领英国工党获得了碾压式胜利(crushing victory/ wins landslide election victory),但公众对他本人的评价却较为平淡。在部分英国选民眼中,斯塔默是一个无聊且过于谨慎的人。汤姆·鲍德温称,斯塔默在初入英国政坛时,激烈的政治游戏并没有引起他的兴趣,“他曾多次考虑辞职,他不喜欢政治,也不喜欢参与政治交易。”

不过,斯塔默自从当选英国工党党魁(leader of the Labour Party),便开始扭转前任领导人的政策。在其支持者看来,斯塔默重塑了工党,在他的带领下,工党成为一个精干的政党并向英国政治中心靠拢。





Thank you so much for that reception – what an amazing reception. We did it. 

You campaigned for it, you fought for it, you voted for it and now it has arrived. Change begins now.

And it feels good, I have to be honest. Four-and-a-half years of work changing the party. This is what it is for – a changed Labour Party ready to serve our country, ready to restore Britain to the service of working people.

And across our country, people will be waking up to the news – relieved that a weight has been lifted, a burden finally removed from the shoulders of this great nation. And now we can look forward again, walk into the morning, the sunlight of hope, pale at first, but getting stronger through the day, shining once again on a country with the opportunity after 14 years to get its future back.

And I want to thank each and every one of you here for campaigning so hard for change, and not just in this campaign either – also for these four-and-a-half years changing our party. The Labour movement is always – everything’s achieved past and future – down to the efforts of its people. So thank you truly – you have changed our country.


But a mandate like this comes with a great responsibility. Our task is nothing less than renewing ideas that hold this country together – national renewal. Whoever you are, wherever you started in life, if you work hard, if you play by the rules, this country should give you a fair chance to get on. It should always respect your contribution and we have to restore that.


And alongside that, we have to return politics to public service, show that politics can be a force for good. Make no mistake, that is the great test of politics in this era – the fight for trust is the battle that defines our age. It is why we campaigned so hard on demonstrating we are fit for public service. Service is the pre-condition for hope, respect the bond that can unite a country. Together, the values of this changed Labour Party are the guiding principle for a new government – country first, party second.


That is the responsibility of this mandate. You know, 14 years ago, we were told that we’re all in it together. I say to the British people today, imagine what we can do if that were actually true. So by all means, enjoy this moment. Nobody can say you haven’t waited patiently. Enjoy the feeling of waking up on a morning like this with the emotion that you do see the country through the same eyes. Hold onto it, because it is what unity is made from, but use it to show to the rest of the country, as we must, that this party has changed, that we will serve them faithfully, govern for every single person in this country.


But also don’t forget how we got here. This morning, we can see that the British people have voted to turn the page on 14 years but don’t pretend that there was anything inevitable about thatthere’s nothing pre-ordained in politicsElection victories don’t fall from the sky.They’re hard won and hard fought for, and this one could only be won by a changed Labour Party.


“We have the chance to repair our public services because we’ve changed the party. “We have the chance to make work pay because we’ve changed the party. We have the chance to deliver for working people, young people, vulnerable people, the poorest in our society because we’ve changed the party.


“Country first, party second” isn’t a slogan – it’s the guiding principle (of) everything we have done and must keep on doing – on the economy, on national security, on protecting our borders. The British people have to look us in the eye and see that we can serve their interest and that work doesn’t stop now – it never stops.The changes we’ve made are permanent, irreversible and we must keep going. We ran as a changed Labour Party and we will govern as a changed Labour Party.


I don’t promise you it will be easy. Changing a country’s not like flicking a switch, it’s hard work, patient work, determined work, and we will have to get moving immediately.


“But even when the going gets tough, and it will, remember, tonight and always, what this is all about. “Now I may have mentioned my parents a few times in this campaign – once or twice – but the sense of security we had, the comfort they took from believing that Britain would always be better for their children, the hope, not high-minded, not idealistic, but a hope that working-class families like mine could build their lives around.


It is hope that may not burn brightly in Britain at the moment, but we have earned the mandate to relight the fire. That is the purpose of this party and of this Government. We said we would end the chaos and we will. We said we would turn the page and we have. Today we start the next chapter, begin the work of change, the mission of national renewal and start to rebuild our country. Thank you.





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