CTI 2024丨全球前沿聚焦:Marion Subklewe教授揭示AdCAR-T细胞如何双重提升AML治疗的安全性与精准度

健康   2024-11-27 17:40   北京  



2024年11月14日至17日,国际细胞与免疫治疗(CTI)大会在中国杭州盛大举行,汇聚了全球细胞治疗和免疫治疗领域的顶尖专家、学者和行业领袖。此次大会不仅是一个学术交流的国际平台,更是一个展示最新科研成果、推动领域发展的重要窗口。会议期间,《肿瘤瞭望·血液时讯》特别邀请到德国慕尼黑大学附属医院(LMU)Marion Subklewe教授,与我们分享AdCAR-T细胞技术的原理、优势以及AML治疗未来优化方向,现整理成文,以飨读者。


Adapter CAR-T(AdCAR-T)技术在急性髓系白血病(AML)治疗中的主要优势是什么?它如何克服传统CAR-T疗法的限制?

Marion Subklewe教授:迄今为止,在急性髓系白血病(AML)治疗领域,我们在进行CAR-T细胞疗法的研究过程中,观察到的一个显著现象是,严重细胞因子释放综合征(CRS)的发生率居高不下。为应对这一挑战,我们引入了Adapter CAR-T(简称AdCAR-T)细胞技术,旨在提升CAR-T细胞治疗的安全性。




相比之下,CD7作为一种靶抗原显得尤为独特,它并不在正常造血系统中表达,因此具有更高的特异性。值得注意的是,CD7在约30%的AML患者中呈阳性表达,并在《新英格兰医学杂志》上发表的相关研究中展示了令人瞩目的成果。在该研究中,患者接受了供体来源的CD7 CAR-T细胞治疗,并随后接受了异基因干细胞移植。这些患者在接受清淋治疗后,并未接受预处理或移植物抗宿主病的预防措施,这一治疗方法似乎极具潜力。



What are the main advantages of Adapter CAR-T (AdCAR-T) technology in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia (AML)? How does it overcome the limitations of traditional CAR-T therapy?
So what we have observed so far in CAR-T cell trials, in the context of AML, is a high incidence of severe cytokine release syndrome. Our approach using Adapter CAR-T (AdCAR-T) cells will increase the safety of CAR-T cells. These adapter molecules are small. They have a molecular weight of about 52 kilo Daltons. They are given as a continuous infusion, and their half-life is about 30 minutes.If you encounter higher-grade toxicity, you can stop the infusion of the adapter molecule, which is given as a continuous infusion similar to some of the bio-specifics, and thereby hopefully revert and stop the side effects.This is clearly one of the advantages of Adapter CAR-T (AdCAR-T) cells.
Currently, if you look at clinical government trials, most of the target antigens in the context of AML are CD33, CD123, and CLL-1. So, almost 90% of the clinical trials are following these myeloid lineage antigens. These have the expected on-target toxicity on the healthy hematopoietic system and are therefore mainly done as a bridge to transplant strategy. In contrast, CD7 is a more unique target antigen that is not expressed within the healthy hematopoietic system and is therefore more specific. It is expressed in about 30% of AML patients and has been presented and published in interesting data in the New England Journal of Medicine, where patients were treated with donor-derived CD7 CAR-T cells, followed by allogeneic stem cell transplantation. These patients accept lymphoid depletion did not really need conditioning or graft-versus-host prophylaxis. This seems to be a very interesting approach. However, what has also been seen is CD7 antigen loss and relapse. So, I think we probably need to target multiple antigens to be successful. Otherwise, we'll always see antigen escape.



Marion Subklewe教授:在急性髓系白血病的生物学特性中,目标抗原的表达呈现出显著的异质性,这种异质性不仅体现在不同个体间的差异,还深刻影响着同一患者体内不同克隆间的表达模式。具体而言,即便是在同一位AML患者体内,针对同一目标抗原的不同克隆,其表达谱也往往大相径庭。这一特点与CD19 CAR-T细胞疗法所面对的情况形成了鲜明对比。



How does AdCAR-T effectively target the heterogeneity of AML cells ? How has this strategy performed in actual clinical applications?
We know in AML that the target antigen expression is very heterogeneous, both inter- and intra-individuals. Even patients have different clones with different expression profiles of the same target antigen. So that's very different from the CD19 CAR-T cell field.
I don't believe we can cure AML by targeting only one antigen with the adapter approach, where we have a generic CAR-T cell. The specificity is only given by the adapter molecule. We can exchange the adapter and thereby target multiple antigens, either in parallel or sequentially. So I think the big advantage of the adapter platform is that we can target multiple antigens.



Marion Subklewe教授:我认为,在优化急性髓系白血病的CAR-T细胞治疗策略时,必须全面审视并综合考量以下四个关键方面。首先,当前我们在患者已经历三到四种前期治疗,且前期治疗已相当充分的情况下,才考虑引入CAR-T细胞治疗。然而,我们应更积极地探索将双特异性CAR-T细胞及CAR-NK细胞应用于疾病负担较轻的更早期治疗阶段,以期获得更佳疗效。







In optimizing CAR-T cell therapy strategies for acute myeloid leukemia (AML), what key factors do you believe need to be comprehensively examined and considered?
I think four aspects have to be considered to improve CAR-T cells strategies, or therapy in AML. First of all, we are currently using CAR-T cells in heavily pretreated patients after three or four prior treatment lines. I think we have to move bio-specific CAR-T cells、CAR-NK cells into earlier treatment lines with low disease burden. Second, I think we need to integrate targeting of multiple antigens. We'll see antigen escape variants. So I think targeting two or three target antigens will be more successful. Thirdly, I think, as there is an immunosuppressive microenvironment and a recent report that also T cells secrete cytokines that mediate resistance of AML cells,that has been published in Nature Medicine, we also need to combine, for example, with JAK inhibitors or other small molecules to overcome resistance. And fourthly, other strategies like combining it with strategies of innate immunity like STING agonists could be really promising.
I think currently, our strategy, which is now independent of CAR-T cells, is very much focused on two aspects. The genetics of AML is very heterogeneous, and we have some targeted therapies, but it's also prognostic. So we are looking at all the different genetic types. The second really important aspect is MRD, so MRD response, MRD persistence, or turning MRD positive again.
But I think in the context of immunotherapy, particularly CAR-T cells, we have to integrate the tumor microenvironment, sort of the health of the bone marrow as a third factor. Unfortunately, it's gonna get more and more complicated with different small risk groups. I'm concerned that this will not be very attractive for industry, because we have really small patient population,if you stratify for genetics, MRD, and the microenvironment. So I think it's really the task of academic medicine to propagate and develop AML specific CAR-T cells. Unfortunately, but I think, like everywhere in oncology, this has to be a personalized approach, although the patient numbers will get really small. But I think one-size-fits-all concepts are not going to work.



Marion Subklewe教授:当前,急性髓系白血病的治疗领域主要遵循两大策略。首要策略是运用CAR-T细胞疗法,旨在达成形态学上的白血病完全缓解状态,理想情况下实现MRD阴性,并随后辅以异基因干细胞移植。然而,该策略中CAR-T细胞需被完全清除,故而其疗效局限于一个相对短暂的时间窗口内。尽管如此,此方法仍能有效针对髓系抗原,且避免了造血功能衰竭的风险。






could you share what the biggest challenge you faced during your research was? And what are your expectations for future research directions?

There are two strategies currently being followed in AML. One strategy is applying CAR-T cells, achieving a morphological leukemia-free state, preferentially MRD negative, and followed by an allogeneic stem cell transplantation.And with this approach, you eliminate all the CAR-T cells. You only have the efficacy of the CAR-T cells for a very limited approach.But at least you can target myeloid antigens. And aplasia is not an issue. I think a very interesting evolving strategy is to do edited stem cell grafts. You delete sort of the target antigen by CRISPR/Cas, either the entire target antigen or by creating a non-synonymous mutation, just the epitope that is targeted, followed by CAR-T cells. And there you have the advantage. The CAR-T cells are allowed to persist. They have longer activities. So we'll see how this turns out. And currently, we have no clinical trial data for the second approach yet.

One of the major challenges, in particularly in the context of acute myeloid leukemia, is identifying a suitable target antigen. As you are aware, most of the target antigens currently being employed are myeloid lineage antigens. There's a great concern of on-target of leukemia, toxicity on the healthy hemorrhagic system, as you're aware, and some malignancies. This is less of an issue because we can live without b cells and substitute IgG deficiency with IgG replacement therapy. So that is not the case with a myeloid compartment. Identifying suitable target antigen in AML is one of the challenges. The second challenge is that we have more resistance. It's more like a solid tumor with an immunosuppressive microenvironment. These are the two challenges we address in AML.

I think besides target antigens and toxicity, another big issue in CAR-T cells and AML is resistance, mediated through the microenvironment and through T-cell, AML interaction. I think future strategies have to implement possibly other small molecules or conditioning regimens to counteract the immunosuppressive microenvironment. I think we will not be able to cure with just a CAR-T cell therapy, but need to adopt combinatory approaches. So, I think this is one of the future challenges we have to tackle.


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