2 PhD students - Assessing Policies for Net Zero Technologies
The two PhD projects investigate policies to speed up the development of supply chains for net zero technologies, like renewable hydrogen. The research will cover national, regional, and global scales and assess policy outcomes such as technology diffusion, job creation, and security of energy supply.
The first PhD project will evaluate various pathways for renewable hydrogen supply chains in Switzerland, to inform future energy policies.
The second PhD project will develop and apply a novel modeling framework, combining agent-based modeling with energy system modeling to simulate supply chains for net zero technologies.
The ideal candidate must:
Hold an M.Sc. or equivalent degree in engineering (e.g., chemical engineering, energy engineering) or a closely related discipline,
Have an excellent academic record,
Have strong analytical skills at an abstract and applied level,
Be passionate about sustainability, energy, and public policy,
Be interested in current political and societal discussions,
Be able to work independently, manage multiple tasks and deadlines,
Be a team player with strong communication skills,
Have basic experience with coding and modeling (e.g., with Python),
Be fluent in spoken and written English.
Not required but a plus to:
Have work experience in a related area,
Have prior scientific publications in a related area,
Be fluent in German,
Be knowledgeable of energy technologies, energy transition, and the energy industry.
We expect your research to be scientifically rigorous and relevant to policymakers and managers. You will collaborate closely with other researchers at our chair and interact with policymakers, managers, and other stakeholders.
As an integral part of your work, you will publish your results in high-impact peer-reviewed journals and outreach outlets. You will also supervise master students and support the group’s teaching.
Your work will contribute to advancing knowledge in policies for net zero technologies, with a focus on both academic and real-world impact.
“硕士申请” 或 “博士申请”
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@留德华叫兽:系美国Clemson大学数学硕士(运筹学方向)、Ph.D. candidate,欧盟玛丽居里学者,德国海德堡大学数学博士(离散优化、图像处理),读博期间前往意大利博洛尼亚大学、IBM实习半年,巴黎综合理工访问一季。现任德国无人驾驶资深研发工程师。
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