PhD student in Physics
The Department of Physics at the University of Gothenburg is located in the center of Gothenburg, with approximately 100 employees. The communication routes are good both nationally and internationally.
The research focuses within the fields of Atom- and Molecular Physics, Condensed Matter Physics and Spintronics, and Complex Systems and Biophysics and is performed in an international environment with extensive national and international collaborations.
The education programs at the Department include Bachelor- and Master programs in Physics, physics teacher-training programs, as well as outreach courses in Physics aimed for the general public.
Gothenburg Physics Centre is a close collaboration with three other departments within the Faculty of Science and Chalmers University of Technology, which creates an innovative environment for all researchers and students at the department.
Doctoral education requires general eligibility and, where appropriate, specific eligibility as set out in the general syllabus for the subject.
The general eligibility requirements for doctoral studies are:
having completed a degree at second-cycle level, or
the fulfilment of course requirements totalling at least 240 credits, of which at least 60 credits must be at second-cycle level, or
the acquisition of equivalent knowledge in some other way, either in Sweden or abroad.
For eligibility, you must have experience in the research area of experimental laser spectroscopy of negative ions.
You need to be motivated and able to work individually and at the same time have a good ability to collaborate with other researchers in an interdisciplinary collaboration.
You must have a good ability to express yourself in English both orally and in writing.
Doctoral studies comprises four years of full-time study, and leads to a doctoral degree.
As part of your employment as a doctoral student, you may have departmental duties corresponding to up to 20 % of full-time employment, distributed throughout your study period, and result in a corresponding extension of the studies. Departmental duties usually consist of teaching at first- and second-cycle levels, but may also include research and administration.
The position is part of the research project "Making and Breaking Molecular Bonds," conducted in collaboration with researchers at Stockholm University. The research is centered around the DESIREE facility, where collisions between positive and negative ions can be studied. The position holder will specifically investigate how the population of excited states can be controlled to achieve better regulation of collision processes. The studies will include both fundamental and applied projects, with the latter focusing on collisions of interest within the field of atmospheric sciences. In addition to studies at DESIREE, research will also be conducted at the GUNILLA facility at the University of Gothenburg.