
财富   2024-10-09 11:24   中国香港  


Fortescue to manufacture marine battery packs for EVOA

总部位于英国的Fortescue Zero是澳大利亚矿业集团Fortescue旗下的电气化部门,该公司表示将在美国密歇根州生产高压船用电池组。

UK-based Fortescue Zero, the electrification arm of Australian mining group Fortescue, says it will produce high-voltage marine battery packs in Michigan, US.

Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)Power Materials获悉,该公司计划于2025年第四季度在底特律的美国先进制造中心开始运营,使用其可扩展电池模块(SBM)技术。

The plan is to begin operations at its US Advanced Manufacturing Center in Detroit, using its so-called Scalable Battery Module (SBM) technology, in Q4 2025,Kallanish Power Materials learns.

该标准化子电池组由EVOA设计和制造,是Fortescue Zero在美国的第一个客户。该产品将用于为一系列豪华船舶提供动力,可提供30-34千瓦时的电力,以支持EVOA的动力系统,最大功率可达1,000马力。

The standardised subpack has been designed and engineered by EVOA, Fortescue Zero’s first client in the US. The product will be used to power a range of luxury marine vessels, delivering 30-34 kilowatt-hours of power to support EVOA’s powertrain capable of up to 1,000 horsepower.

Fortescue Zero称,船用电池组可在30分钟内完成快速充电,最大限度地缩短停机时间。该解决方案最多可配备六个子电池组,为不同大小的船只提供灵活性。

According to Fortescue Zero, the marine battery pack can fast-charge in under 30 minutes, minimising downtime. The solution can be equipped with up to six subpacks, providing flexibility to vessels of different sizes.


Without providing details on production volumes or manufacturing contractual terms, Fortescue says the packs represent “just the beginning of what is possible with the technology we have created.” The facility is planned to be a major production hub of automotive, marine and heavy industry batteries, fast chargers, and other green technologies.

Fortescue Energy首席执行官Mark Hutchinson补充道:“Fortescue Zero拥有独特的专业知识和经验,能够提供所需的解决方案,为急于实现脱碳的各行各业提供零排放电力系统。”

Fortescue Energy ceo Mark Hutchinson adds: “Fortescue Zero is uniquely positioned with the expertise and experience to deliver the solutions needed to provide the zero emission power systems to a wide range of sectors eager to decarbonise.”

EVOA的联合创始人兼管理合伙人Mike Anderson说,将快速游艇电气化并非易事。不过,他相信,与Fortescue的合作将使EVOA成为船舶市场的“领导者”。他补充道:“我们需要一种能源系统,它能提供足够的动力,让一艘载有一名驾驶员和至少七名好友的快速游艇全天候平稳运行,因为这是我们要求最高的应用。Fortescue恰好满足了这一要求。”

Electrifying a wake boat is not an easy task, says Mike Anderson, co-founder and managing partner at EVOA. However, he is confident that its partnership with Fortescue will position EVOA as a “leader” in the marine market. “We needed an energy system that delivers the power to keep a wake boat with a driver and at least seven of their best friends on plane, without issue, all day long as this is our most demanding application. Fortescue delivered just that,” he adds.

Fortescue Zero的产品范围包括电池管理硬件、电池智能、电池模块、车辆控制器和电源转换。

Fortescue Zero’s product range covers battery management hardware, battery intelligence, battery modules, vehicle controllers and power conversion.


The Michigan facility was also meant to manufacture electrolysers. With Fortescue’s hydrogen scale-back, it’s unclear if that remains the case.



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