在电动汽车行业面临逆境的情况下,SK On计划裁员

财富   时事   2024-09-27 10:36   中国香港  

在电动汽车行业面临逆境的情况下,SK On计划裁员

SK On plans redundancies amid EV headwinds

Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)报道,在电动汽车需求放缓的背景下,韩国电池制造商SK On宣布需要裁员以保持竞争力。

South Korean battery manufacturer SK On is the latest to announce the need to shrink its workforce to remain competitive amid a slowdown in EV demand,Kallanish reports.


The company announced Thursday that voluntary redundancy programmes will be available to employees who agree to leave. The planned package includes options for early retirement or unpaid leave to pursue a degree – with fees subsidised 50% by the company.

SK On解释说:“这些都是积极主动的措施,目的是建立一支精干、灵活的员工队伍,使我们能够更好地应对不断变化的电动汽车市场环境。”

“These are proactive measures to establish a lean, agile workforce, so that we can better navigate shifting EV market conditions,” SK On explains.


“While the company pushes to improve efficiency and secure grounds for sustainable growth, we are fully committed to supporting the career development of our employees who have contributed to our success in becoming a top-tier battery maker,” it adds.

该公司在韩国拥有约3,558名员工,在匈牙利、美国和中国也设有子公司。自2021年从SK Innovation剥离以来,这家福特和现代汽车供应商尚未录得净利润。

With around 3,558 employees in South Korea, the company also has subsidiaries in Hungary, the US and China. The Ford and Hyundai Motor supplier is yet to record a net profit since it was split off from SK Innovation in 2021.



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