
财富   2024-10-15 09:53   中国香港  


Fortescue's Brazil hydrogen project advances

Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)报道,Fortescue Future IndustriesFFI)位于巴西塞阿拉州佩切姆工业和港口综合体(CIPP)的绿色氢气项目已获得开工授权。

Fortescue Future Industries’ (FFI) green hydrogen project at the Pecém industrial and port complex (CIPP) in Brazil’s Ceará state has received authorisation to start construction,Kallanish notes. 

该州州长Elmano de Freitas和巴西副总统兼发展、工业、商业和服务部部长Geraldo Alckmin签署了一项决议,批准澳大利亚矿业公司Fortescue Metals集团子公司的第一期项目。

The state governor, Elmano de Freitas, and Brazil’s vice president and minister of development, industry, commerce and services, Geraldo Alckmin, have signed a resolution approving the first phase of the Australian mining company Fortescue Metals Group subsidiary.


“This was an important step for Brazil in the energy transition market, which will allow us to have the first large-scale production of green hydrogen,” Elmano says. “This approval allows Ceará to dream and dare to be a major green H2 production hub.”


According to the Brazilian government, the electrolyser will have an initial capacity of 1.2 gigawatts. It can potentially expand to 2.1 GW. Operations are planned to begin in August 2028.


The investment, which is estimated at BRL 17.5 billion ($3.11 billion), is set to create 9,000 direct and indirect jobs, the government says.


The project will be built in a121-hectare area of the Ceará Port, in two stages. Phase 1 and 2 should amount to 1.2 GW of capacity, and phase 3 to 900 megawatts, according to Fortescue. The hydrogen generated will be transformed into ammonia to facilitate its transport.


CIPP is set to become one of the largest green hydrogen hubs in Brazil and wider Latin America. A large volume of green H2 produced in the state will be used by the steel sector. One of the largest consumers is assumed to be ArcelorMittal Pecém. The company is already making investments to adapt its slab-producingline to hydrogen use.

2021年,德国林德集团旗下的工业气体公司White Martins和澳大利亚可再生能源公司Enegix Energy宣布有意在塞阿拉州开发类似的绿色氢气项目。

In 2021, intentions to develop similar green H2 projects in Ceará were declared by the industrial gas company White Martins, part of Germany’s Linde group, and the Australian renewable energy company Enegix Energy.



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