
财富   2024-10-17 09:27   中国香港  


Eramet cuts production targets for manganese, nickel

Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)Power Materials获悉,法国矿业公司Eramet已降低加蓬锰矿和印度尼西亚镍矿的生产目标。

French mining company Eramet has reduced production targets for its manganese mine in Gabon and nickel mine in Indonesia,Kallanish Power Materials learns.


It cited “depressed” manganese market conditions and a lower-than-expected permit allowance in Indonesia as reasons behind the decision.


A “sharp decline” in manganese ore purchases due to a significant drop in carbon steel production in China, coupled with the increase of low-grade ore, particularly from South Africa, is behind the manganese market downturn, the company explains.


“Against this current backdrop, Eramet, as a responsible mine operator, has decided to suspend ore production at the Moanda mine for a minimum period of 3 weeks; sales and shipments will continue during this period,” the company notes. “The duration of this suspension will be revised according to market activity.”


As such, the French miner has revised its 2024 target for produced and transported manganese ore from Moanda to 6.5-7 million tonnes, compared to the previous target of 7-7.5m t. The mine is operated through its subsidiary Comilog.

在印度尼西亚,Eramet与中国青山集团合资的子公司PT Weda Bay Nickel本周获得该国矿业部颁发的修订后的经营许可证。然而,修订后的许可证批准的销售额与该子公司提交的修订后的许可证申请“相差甚远”。

Meanwhile, in Indonesia, PT Weda Bay Nickel, Eramet’s subsidiary with Chinese group Tsingshan, this week was granted a revised operating permit by the country’s mines ministry. However, the sales approved under the revised permit fall “well short” of the revised permit application the subsidiary submitted.

因此,Eramet称,Weda Bay矿场2024年的外部可销售镍矿石目标已修订为2,900万湿吨,而之前为4,000-4,200万湿吨。

As a result, the Weda Bay mine’s 2024 volume target for external marketable nickel ore has been revised to 29m wet metric tonnes, compared to 40-42m wmt before, Eramet notes.

尽管如此,该公司补充道:“由于国内供应受到限制,矿石溢价大幅上升,预计将在很大程度上抵消对PT WBN 2024年财务业绩的影响。与当地销售的镍矿石(HPM)价格下限相比,这一大幅溢价将有利于PT WBN2024年下半年的销售。”

Nonetheless, the company adds: “The impact on PT WBN’s 2024 financial performance is expected to be largely offset by a significant increase in ore premiums resulting from restrictions to domestic supply. This significant premium compared to the price floor for nickel ore sold locally (HPM) will benefit PT WBN sales in H2 2024.”


The company also plans to submit a request for revision of the permit for 2025 and 2026.


Eramet’s shares fell over 12% following the announcement on Tuesday. At the time of writing, shares were trading at €57.85 ($63)/share in Paris.



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