
财富   2024-10-11 12:51   中国香港  


JSW, BHP to collaborate on CCUS technology deployment

Kallanish(开阑商务信息咨询)获悉,印度炼钢巨头JSW Steel与矿商必和必拓签署一项联合研究协议,双方将在碳捕集技术部署方面开展合作,以支持炼钢脱碳。

Indian steelmaking major JSW Steel and miner BHP have signed a joint study agreement to collaborate on carbon capture technology deployment in support of steelmaking decarbonisation, Kallanishnotes.

根据协议,两家公司将开始联合研究,探索Carbon Clean公司的CycloneCC模块化技术的可行性,以捕集多达10万吨/年的二氧化碳排放。他们指出,这是“迄今为止在炼钢领域最大规模的CycloneCC部署”。

As per the agreement, the firms will commence joint studies to explore the feasibility of Carbon Clean’s CycloneCC modular technology to capture up to 100,000 tonnes/year of CO2 emissions – “the largest scale CycloneCC deployment to date in steelmaking”, they note.


Indian steel producers, who are collectively the world’s second-largest after China, are likely to play a critical role in achieving India’s target of net zero by 2070. Supporting longer-term near zero decarbonisation routes is increasingly essential, due to the increasing commissioning of blast furnaces in India.


Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) technology is expected to be a “critical abatement” in aiding India’s near-zero CO2 emissions intensity for this process route, and also potentially for other hard-to-abate industrial sectors. But adoption of CCUS technology poses several challenges, including capital expenditure, ongoing operating costs and integration of new equipment into an existing operations site with space limitations.


The project is seen as an important step towards supporting carbon capture scale-up, which also includes potential performance, costs and carbon abatement outcomes.


JSW expects these joint studies will be completed during 2026. JSW and BHP will considerinstalling CycloneCC at the steelmaker’s Vijayanagar site in Karnataka.


The “utilisation” component of CCUS is considered key. JSW plans to liquefy captured CO2 to sell locally, if the project is successful.

必和必拓首席商务官Rag Udd说:“我们正在积极研究钢铁脱碳的多种途径,包括使用氢气和可再生能源,但我们认识到,高炉路线可能仍将是钢铁生产的一条途径,尤其是在印度。”

BHP chief commercial officer Rag Udd says: “We are actively studying multiple pathways for steel decarbonisation, including through use of hydrogen and renewable power, but we recognise that the blast furnace route will likely remain a pathway for the production of steel, particularly within India.”

JSW Steel联席董事总经理兼首席执行官Jayant Acharya说:“我们相信CCUS可以成为一种经济上可行的脱碳手段,这对钢铁行业实现近零排放至关重要,而此次扩大应用规模的合作将有助于铺平道路。”

JSW Steel joint managing director and chief executive Jayant Acharya says: “We believe CCUS could be a financially viable decarbonisation lever which would be crucial to achieving near zero emissions in the steel sector and this collaboration for a scale-up application would help pave the way forward.”


JSW has reduced its carbon emissions intensity by 30% against the 2005 baseline. The company aims to further reduce its steelmaking intensity to 1.95 tonnes of CO2/tonne of steel by 2030 and achieve net neutral carbon emissions by 2050.


This is BHP’s second steel decarbonisation related collaboration with an Indian steelmaker. Earlier this week, India’s largest state-owned steel producer,Steel Authority of India (SAIL), announced a memorandum of understanding with BHP to drive decarbonisation in the sector (see Kallanish passim).


The SAIL-BHP initial study will explore strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, including the use of alternative reductants like hydrogen and biochar.The partnership also aims to build local research and development capabilities to support this transition.



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